Heroes Honored at Phoenix PD's Annual Award Ceremony | https://www.phoenix.gov/newsroom/police/3234 | Police | | 10/4/2024 7:00:00 AM | | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTytJUP_6zQ | Heroes Honored at Phoenix PD's Annual Award Ceremony | <div class="ExternalClass21654CB0024846A5964A7AC284051D82"><html>
<p>The Phoenix Police Department hosted its Annual Award Ceremony at the Orpheum Theater Thursday evening. Just over 150 awards were given to volunteers and Phoenix PD employees including the Medal of Lifesaving, Medal of Valor, Police Shield Award, Supervisor of the Year, Police Chief's Unit Award and the Volunteer Excellence Award.<br></p>
</html></div> | https://phoenix.gov/police | Video | police |
S'edav Va'aki Museum New Opening Hours and New Admission Rates | https://www.phoenix.gov/newsroom/sedav-vaaki-museum/3235 | S’edav Va’aki Museum | | 10/4/2024 7:00:00 AM | https://www.phoenix.gov/newssite/Lists/NewsArticle/Attachments/3235/NewHoursandAdmission_SVM_001.jpg | | S'edav Va'aki Museum New Opening Hours and New Admission Rates | <div class="ExternalClass4C1D6906DE2141D58D75DE44A53D1F13"><html>
<span style="font-size:14.6667px;"><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;">O</span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;">n Thursday, October 17t</span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;">h, 2024, the S'e</span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;text-decoration-line:underline;">d</span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;">av Va'aki Museum (SVM) reopens to the public with a refreshed lobby and two newly appointed exhibit galleries.</span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;"> </span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;">Along with these changes, the reopening also features the implementation of the museum's new hours of operation and admission rates.</span></span>
<span style="font-size:14.6667px;">SVM is excited to announce that for the first time in 95 years the museum is extending its hours into the evenings on Thursdays with discounted rates of admission. These weekly evening hours offer visitors with traditional work and school schedules the opportunity to explore the galleries and participate in a variety of museum programing such as lectures, crafts, or activities. Additional changes in opening hours include weekly museum closure on Tuesday – Wednesday and earlier opening times on Sundays. </span>
<span style="font-size:14.6667px;">
<strong style="">Effective October 17</strong>
<strong style="">
<sup style="">th</sup>
<strong style="">, 2024, S'edav Va'aki Museum's hours of operation and admission rates are as follows: </strong>
<strong style="font-size:14.6667px;">
<em style="">Regular Hours (October - June)</em>
<span style="font-size:14.6667px;">Thursday: 9 am - 8 pm</span>
<span style="font-size:14.6667px;">Friday - Monday: 9 am - 4 pm </span>
<span style="font-size:14.6667px;">Tuesday - Wednesday: CLOSED</span>
<span style="font-size:14.6667px;">
<strong style="">
<em style="">Summer Hours (July and August</em>
<strong style="">
<em style="">)</em>
<span style="font-size:14.6667px;">Thursday - Monday: 9 am - 2 pm </span>
<span style="font-size:14.6667px;">Tuesday - Wednesday: CLOSED</span>
<strong style="font-size:14.6667px;">
<em style="">Admission </em>
<span style="font-size:14.6667px;">Adults (18-64): $13.00, Seniors (65 & over ): $10.00 , Students (with ID): $6.00, Children (6-17): $6.00, Children ( under 6): Free, Museum Members: Free</span>
<span style="font-size:14.6667px;">*Discounted Admission on Thursday evening (4 pm - 8 pm)</span>
</html></div> | https://www.phoenix.gov/parks/arts-culture-history/sedav-vaaki | News | sedav-vaaki-museum |
Deadline to Register to Vote Approaching | https://www.phoenix.gov/newsroom/city-clerk/3228 | City Clerk | | 10/2/2024 7:00:00 AM | https://www.phoenix.gov/newssite/Lists/NewsArticle/Attachments/3228/Newsroom Cover (1).jpg | | Deadline to Register to Vote Approaching | <div class="ExternalClassAEA8F57AFFAF4A8AA9A051DF3524DBFB"><html>
<div>October 7, 2024, is the deadline to register to vote to participate in the upcoming November 5, 2024, Phoenix Mayor and Council Election and Special Vacancy Election. </div><div><br></div><div>In this election, eligible registered Phoenix voters will decide on electing a Mayor for a regular four-year term that begins on April 21, 2025 and on three ballot measures. Voters in Council Districts 1, 3, 5, and 7 will also decide on electing Council Members for a regular four-year term beginning April 21, 2025. Additionally, voters in Council District 7 will also elect a Council Member to fill the remainder of the current District 7 term which ends April 21, 2025. </div><div><br></div><div>To be eligible to vote, a person must be a registered voter and reside within the City of Phoenix at least 29 days immediately before the election. <span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;">Voters can register to vote: </span></div><div><ul><li>Online at: ServiceArizona.com (requires Arizona Driver’s License or State ID) </li><li>In Person: </li><ul><li>With City of Phoenix, City Clerk Department at 200 W. Washington St., 15th floor. </li><li>With Maricopa County Recorders Office at 111 S. 3rd Ave., Ste. 102 </li></ul><li>By mail: A paper form is available online at <a target="_blank" href="https://elections.maricopa.gov/asset/jcr:31c22f9a-8dbe-4c8e-b14e-2ef42ff39e8f/az_voter_registration_form_standard_20240613.pdf">elections.maricopa.gov</a> or one can be requested by calling Maricopa County at (602) 506-1511. <br></li></ul></div><div>Already a registered voter? Take a few seconds to make sure you’re registered to vote at your current address at <a target="_blank" href="https://recorder.maricopa.gov/beballotready/">BeBallotReady.Vote</a> or by calling Maricopa County at <strong>602-506-1511</strong>. <br></div><div><br></div><div>For more information about the upcoming election visit <a target="_blank" href="/cityclerk/elections">Phoenix.gov/Elections</a>, call <strong>602-261-VOTE (8683)</strong>, email <a target="_blank" href="mailto:%20phoenixelections@phoenix.gov">phoenixelections@phoenix.gov</a> or follow us on X <a target="_blank" href="https://twitter.com/PHXClerk">@PHXClerk</a>.<br></div><br></html></div> | https://www.phoenix.gov/cityclerk | News | city-clerk |
New Bulk Trash Program Now in Service | https://www.phoenix.gov/newsroom/public-works/3227 | Public Works (Trash and Recycling) | | 10/2/2024 12:00:00 AM | | https://youtu.be/4xAl-6Ir7Os | New Bulk Trash Program Now in Service | <div class="ExternalClassB75AF4FD0F544DD89A4593CCDE2DF3E5"><html>The City of Phoenix Public Works Department has formally launched its new Appointment-Based Bulk Trash program. The old quarterly collection schedule is now obsolete, and there will not be a quarterly schedule for 2025. From this point on, customers will get to choose when their bulk trash is collected!<br><br>Customers are reminded to <a target="_blank" href="/publicworks/bulktrash"><strong>set an appointment</strong></a> before placing large items out for collection. Customers can also call<strong><em> 602-262-6251</em></strong> if they prefer to schedule over the phone. The City is grateful for everyone following the <a target="_blank" href="/publicworkssite/Documents/Flyer_English_Appointment_Bulk_Trash.pdf"><strong>revised bulk trash guidelines</strong></a>.<br><br><strong>Community-Wide Collections </strong><br> Some HOAs, block watches, and other neighborhood organizations have already selected community-wide bulk trash collection days for their residents. Please check the list of <a target="_blank" href="/publicworkssite/Documents/bulk_trash_community_appointments.pdf"><strong>community-wide appointments</strong></a> to see if your neighborhood has a predetermined schedule. <br> <br><strong>Frequently Asked Questions </strong><br><em>How often can I schedule a bulk trash appointment? </em><br> Each customer may schedule one (1) appointment for the remainder of 2024. Beginning in January 2025, each customer will be allowed to schedule up to four (4) bulk trash collections each calendar year. Appointments must be made at least 3 business days in advance. <br> <br> <em>When can I place my bulky items at the front of my property? </em><br> Once you have an appointment confirmed, you can place your items out no sooner than seven (7) days ahead of your selected date. Trash collection begins at 6 am each day, so we recommend you have your pile out no later than 5:30 am on your scheduled pickup date. <br> <br> <em>How much bulk trash can I put out? </em><br> Each customer can place up to ten (10) cubic yards of bulk trash per appointment. That covers an area that's roughly 17 ft. x 4 ft. x 4 ft. <br> <br> <em>What if I have more than 10 cubic yards of trash? </em><br> You still have options! You can either schedule an additional appointment, or take up to one ton of trash to either one of our<strong> </strong><a target="_blank" href="/publicworks/garbage/disposable"><strong>transfer stations</strong></a> each month for free. Please bring your ID and city services bill. <br> <br> <em><strong>No Appointments on Halloween </strong></em><br> Halloween will be the first holiday period blocked off from the bulk trash calendar; there will be no appointments available on October 31 or for the 7 days immediately following. This will ensure that no trash piles are out while children and families are trick-or-treating. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day will be blocked off from the schedule in the same way. <br><br></html></div> | https://phoenix.gov/publicworks | Video | public-works |
City of Phoenix Launches 12th Annual Paint Phoenix Purple Campaign | https://www.phoenix.gov/newsroom/human-services/3226 | Human Services | | 10/1/2024 7:20:00 PM | https://www.phoenix.gov/newssite/Lists/NewsArticle/Attachments/3226/SI_Newsroom_003.JPG | | City of Phoenix Launches 12th Annual Paint Phoenix Purple Campaign | <div class="ExternalClassE421EAA653234234A2E8ECED54966C53"><html><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none">The City of Phoenix invites you to join us in the Paint Phoenix Purple Campaign to help spread awareness to prevent domestic violence and support victims and survivors. This is the 12</span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none"><span data-fontsize="12">th</span></span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none"> year for the campaign, which addresses a very serious problem that is often difficult to talk about and recognize</span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto">. O</span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto">ne in four women and one in ten men experience sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner during their lifetime, a</span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto">ccording to the National Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence Survey.</span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" data-ccp-props="{"201341983":0,"335557856":16777215,"335559739":0,"335559740":240}"> </span><br><div><div><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"></span> <br><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none">The Paint Phoenix Purple Campaign is a local collaboration of more than 50 community, private and public organizations. The City partners with these groups to provide educational resources, activities, and support services for victims including workshops on recognizing signs of abuse, support groups for survivors and community events.</span> <br><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"></span> <br><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none"><strong>Show your Support! Wear purple on Thursday, October 24.</strong></span><strong> </strong><br><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none">The color purple is affiliated with ending domestic violence. Wear purple on October 24 </span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none">and post a photo using #PaintPHXPurple. The City of Phoenix is encouraging all residents to join in the effort by wearing purple and participating in local events throughout October. </span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" data-ccp-props="{"201341983":0,"335557856":16777215,"335559739":0,"335559740":240}"> </span></div><div><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none"></span><span data-ccp-props="{"201341983":0,"335557856":16777215,"335559739":0,"335559740":240}"> </span></div><div><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none">The City of Phoenix is hosting or is a partner with the below events open to the public and more.</span><span data-ccp-props="{"201341983":0,"335557856":16777215,"335559739":0,"335559740":240}"> </span></div><div><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none"></span><span data-ccp-props="{"201341983":0,"335557856":16777215,"335559739":0,"335559740":240}"> </span></div><div><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"><strong>Parks and Recreation Paint Phoenix Purple Kickoff </strong></span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" data-ccp-props="{}"> </span></div><div><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto">Friday, October 4 from 10 a.m. - noon</span><span data-ccp-props="{"335559685":720}"> </span></div><div><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto">Eastlake Park – 1549 E. Jefferson St.</span><span data-ccp-props="{"335559685":720}"> </span></div><div><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"></span><span data-ccp-props="{"335559685":720}"> </span></div><div><span data-ccp-props="{"335559685":720}"></span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"><strong>South Phoenix Cares 2</strong></span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"><span data-fontsize="12"><strong>nd</strong></span></span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"><strong> Annual Breast Cancer & Domestic Violence Walk & Celebration </strong></span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" data-ccp-props="{}"> </span></div><div><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto">Sunday, October 20</span><span data-ccp-props="{"335559685":720}"> </span></div><div><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto">1–6 p.m. </span><span data-ccp-props="{"335559685":720}"> </span></div><div><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto">3345 E. Roeser Rd. Phoenix 85040</span><span data-ccp-props="{"335559685":720}"> </span></div><div><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"> </span></div><div><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"><strong>YWCA Community Conversation </strong></span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" data-ccp-props="{}"> </span></div><div><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto">Wednesday, October 23 from 5:30 – 7 p.m. </span><span data-ccp-props="{"335559685":720}"> </span></div><div><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto">Burton Barr Central Library Pulliam Auditorium - 1221 N. Central Ave. Phoenix 85004</span><span data-ccp-props="{"335559685":720}"> </span></div><div><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none"></span><span data-ccp-props="{"201341983":0,"335557856":16777215,"335559739":0,"335559740":240}"> </span></div></div><div><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none"></span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none">For more information about Paint Phoenix Purple or how you can get involved, please visit </span><a style="background-color:window;font-size:10pt;" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href="http://www.phoenix.gov/paintphoenixpurple"><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none">our website</span></a><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;" lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none">. </span><span style="background-color:window;color:windowtext;font-size:10pt;"> </span></div><div><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"></span> <br><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none">Follow the City of Phoenix Strategic Initiatives on </span><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/PHXStrategicInitiatives/"><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none">Facebook</span></a><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none"> and </span><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href="https://twitter.com/PHXInitiatives"><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none">Twitter</span></a><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none"> (X) for resources, stories and more throughout the month.</span> <br><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"></span> <br><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none"><strong>Paint Phoenix Purple History:</strong></span><strong> </strong><br><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none">In December of 2012, the Mayor and City Council endorsed the goal to end domestic violence in Phoenix. In April 2013, that plan was approved. Learn more about the campaign and the accomplishments of the City of Phoenix </span><a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href="/humanservices/programs/strategicinitiatives/paintphoenixpurple"><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none">here</span></a><span lang="EN-US" data-contrast="none">.</span> <br></div><br><img src="/humanservicessite/MediaAssets/PPP%20for%20Newsroom%20Article%202024.png" style="margin:5px;width:495px;" /><br><br></html></div> | https://www.phoenix.gov/humanservices | News | human-services |