​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​City of Phoenix Human Services Department Logo

Case Management and Emergency Financial Assistance​​

Emergency financial assistance services are available to city of Phoenix residents in crisis situations; see additional information below. Funding for rent and utility assistance is limited due to high demand and need within the Phoenix area. If you are unable to make an appointment, please try again next week.  Learn more here. ​

Domestic Violence Help​​ ​​​​Available

​​Many times it is difficult to know where to find help if you or loved ones are in a Domestic Violence situation. Mobile Victim Advocates are available Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

Mobile Victim Advocate Maryvale: (602) 647-5411

Mobile Victim Advocate South Phoenix: (602) 647-2662

Learn more about resources available at Phoenix.gov/DomesticViolence.


​​Strategies to Address Homelessness

The Phoenix City Council requested a strategic plan to focus on strategies for persons experiencing homelessness as well as developing best practices to mitigate impacts to surrounding communities and neighborhoods.​ Read the Strategies to Address Homelessness Plan​.

In January 2021, a task force made up of neighborhood leaders, service providers, and homeless advocates began meeting to prioritize and provide recommendations on the City’s efforts to deploy the Plan. Throughout 2021, the Task Force met to review and evaluate the City’s Strategies to Address Homelessness Plan. The recommendations were made in consensus among the Task Force members and were presented to the Phoenix City Manager as well to the Phoenix City Council Community and Cultural Investment Subcommittee on April 6, 2022. Read the recommendations or watch the Subcommittee presentation​.​

HSD Impacted Services  

Landlord tenant program logo

The Landlord and Tenant Program provides  one-on-one counseling and education by appointment in person or via telephone.  Learn more about the services and resources available electronically


VITA logo Since 2003, the City of Phoenix Human Services Department has implemented an Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Campaign. Every year millions of dollars in tax refunds go unclaimed because people are unaware of the various credits available to them such as the EITC, a refundable federal income tax credit for low-income working individuals and families. There are several ways to get free tax help. To learn more, visit phoenix.gov/taxhelp​

Homeless Help  

Healthy Giving Council.JPG

Every day of the year is a struggle for those experiencing homelessness in Maricopa County, but generous people who want to help can give in a way that has meaning and impact beyond one meal.  

The Healthy Giving Council brings like-minded people and groups together with the goal of providing lasting, long-term help to those experiencing homelessness. Learn more about Healthy Giving at givesmartaz.org.

CARES logo

PHX C.A.R.E.S. is a coordinated response to work with neighborhoods and individuals experiencing homelessness to educate and focus on solutions. PHX C.A.R.E.S. sends trained outreach teams, that take the time to build rapport and trust with people on the street, to encourage them to acce​​pt the services and resources that are offered to help end their homelessness. Learn more about the PHX C.A.R.E.S. program at phoenix.gov/phxcares. ​


 Who We Are

​​The Human Services Department provides a co​​mpreh​ensive array of services to help people meet emergency, short-and long-term needs, and help every individual reach their highest level of self-sufficiency.

Learn mor​e about HSD

​Doing Business with Human Services

​Contracting Opportunities

 HSD Publications

The Human Services Department publishes a variety of publications to keep the public, city staff, Mayor and City Council aware of the department's mission, business operations and financial condition. Publications are easy to download and share.

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