Homeland Security & Emergency Management

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 Phoenix Heat Relief

​​FLier explaining heat relief center hours with address

Prepare for Severe Weather Hazards

Severe weather hazards in Phoenix​ typically consist of extreme heat and thunderstorms. It is important to recognize the dangers of extreme heat and the symptoms of heat-related illnesses such as dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke, and reduce exposure to the sun and heat during peak hours.​

Thunderstorms can produce lightning, high winds, and heavy rains. A thunderstorm can cause hazardous localized flash flooding, and dust storms that reduce visibility and cause unhealthy air quality.​

Know the hazards in your community and where you travel. Get current weather forecasts at weather.gov/phoenix, on TV, on the radio or online. Go to EIN.az.gov​ and enter your address in the hazard viewer to learn about hazards in your area. View the latest hourly air quality forecasts at azdeq.gov/forecasting​.​

​​Learn More
​​​Your Specific Location Outlook​Protecting Your Home
Covid Relief



Disasters Happen - Be Prepared!229https://www.phoenix.gov/emergencysite/MediaAssets/Picture Library/HS_Slider_02.jpg.jpgDisasters Happen - Be Prepared!https://www.phoenix.gov/emergencysite/MediaAssets/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=229 Disasters Happen. Learn quick and easy ways to make sure you and your family are prepared. 0x0101009148F5A04DDD49CBA7127AADA5FB792B00AADE34325A8B49CDA8BB4DB53328F2140062B74EDA3FCDCC418589BF86F17EF2FFImage
Community Emergency Notification System270https://www.phoenix.gov/emergencysite/MediaAssets/Picture Library/HS_Slider_01.jpg.jpgCommunity Emergency Notification Systemhttps://www.maricopa.gov/1755/CENShttps://www.phoenix.gov/emergencysite/MediaAssets/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=270 ​Did you know your cell phone is not automatically registered for Community Emergency Notification System (CENS)? Click here to make sure you are notified of a potential local emergency alert. 0x0101009148F5A04DDD49CBA7127AADA5FB792B00AADE34325A8B49CDA8BB4DB53328F2140062B74EDA3FCDCC418589BF86F17EF2FFImage
Emergency Kit Checklist - Are you ready?271https://www.phoenix.gov/emergencysite/MediaAssets/Picture Library/HS_Slider_04.jpgEmergency Kit Checklist - Are you ready?https://www.phoenix.gov/emergencysite/Pages/OHSEM---Build-a-Kit.aspxhttps://www.phoenix.gov/emergencysite/MediaAssets/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=271 ​After an emergency, you may need to survive on your own for several days. Learn how to get your family ready. ​ 0x0101009148F5A04DDD49CBA7127AADA5FB792B00AADE34325A8B49CDA8BB4DB53328F2140062B74EDA3FCDCC418589BF86F17EF2FFImage

Life-threatening emergencies: 911 

Non-emergency police assistance: 602-262-6151

Report street issues

Report traffic signal outages: 602-262-6021

Storm debris information:

Report power outage:

APS: 855-688-2437 or
: 602-236-8811

American Red Cross: ​​​

​​Emergency Street Closures
​​​Traffic Signal Outages
​Sand For Sandbags

​​Disas​ters Happen.  Make ​Your Plan Today.​​​

Disasters can come in many forms.  Find resources and current information to help ​prepare your family during any event. As Phoenix continues to respond to COVID-19, there is no better time to be prepared​.  Click here​ to find tools to help you Make A Plan today. 

People bagging mulch with shovels into white bags

​​#ReadyPHX  #ResilientPHX​​
