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Bulk Trash CollectionInformation on the City’s bulk trash schedule and what items are accepted. ~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_BestBet.js

Flyer_Spanish_Appointment_Bulk_Trash198622pdfpdf8/2/2024 10:11:50 PM/PHXPublicWorks @PHXPublicWorks @TalkingTrashPHX 602-262-6251 Consulte la lista completa de lo que debe o no debe hacer en linea Programe una recolección en línea Pon su basura 1111 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Bulk Trash195911htmlaspx9/11/2024 8:26:38 PM152145717433False1616~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_WebPage.js
Appointment-Based Bulk Trash - English flyer198623pdfpdf8/2/2024 10:11:50 PMBULK TRASH IS CHANGING the DOs and DON’Ts list online Schedule a bulk trash pick-up online Set out bulk trash up to 7 days before appointment 1 2 3 Place 5 feet away from fixed 20702 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Bulk Trash Insert Schedule 2021-22-UPDATED114334pdfpdf12/3/2021 8:09:28 PM22 Aug. 15, ‘22 Nov. 14, ‘22 2021-22 BULK TRASH PICKUP SCHEDULE FOR A MORE DETAILED MAP AND brought about by the pandemic, you may experience delays on your bulk trash collection 333361 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Bulk Trash Insert Schedule 2020-21 English89188pdfpdf9/1/2020 8:56:54 PMBULK TRASH PLACEMENT PHOENIX.GOV/PUBLICWORKS/BULKTRASH HAVE LOTS OF GREEN OR GARDEN WASTE box all grass, leaves, weeds, twigs and hedge clippings before placing out for bulk trash 743480 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
FINAL_Updated_English_Bulk Trash Insert Schedule 2023183114pdfpdf9/22/2022 4:55:34 PMto collect the city’s residential bulk trash.BULK TRASH PLACEMENT PHOENIX.GOV/PUBLICWORKS/BULKTRASH HAVE DO: Follow the dates for bulk trash placement 716072 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Revised_Sept 2022_English-Bulk Trash Insert Schedule 2021-22186508pdfpdf9/23/2022 11:05:17 PMto collect the city’s residential bulk trash.BULK TRASH PLACEMENT PHOENIX.GOV/PUBLICWORKS/BULKTRASH HAVE DO: Follow the dates for bulk trash placement 88343 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
PAYS October 2020 Newsletter with Bulk Trash Flyer89298pdfpdf9/24/2020 7:52:49 PMPHX AT YOUR SERVICE The city of Pour cool grease into a sturdy sealed container, then place in the trash Discard food scraps and sauces from plates, pots and pans into the trash 4741 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Public Works Solid Waste Active Service Addresses as of March 29, 20163452zipzipZIP files that contain, XML, XSD, XSL and JSON files that contain Solid Waste Services provided for each serviced address. Information included are Service Address, Service Type, Description of the service types, number of containers serviced, city quartersection id, route number, gis x and y coordinates.4/4/2016 7:31:25 PMsorttable.js Instructions: Download this file Add <script src 688 Templates/Search/Item_Default.js
Bulk Trash Insert Schedule Spanish 2020-2189189pdfpdf9/30/2020 6:28:03 PMAgradecemos su paciencia durante estos momentos (front page above the map)DÓNDE PONER RESIDUOS VOLUMINOSOS PHOENIX.GOV/PUBLICWORKS/BULKTRASH ¿TIENE MUCHO DESPERDICIO VERDE O DE 24248 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Spanish-Bulk Trash Insert Schedule 2021-22-Draft 3529pdfpdf3/8/2022 10:36:55 PMDebido a los desafíos provocados por la pandemia, usted podría experimentar retrasos en la recogida de residuos voluminosos Agradecemos su paciencia durante estos momentos.DÓNDE 7248 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Spanish-Bulk Trash Insert Schedule 2023-2024110290pdfpdf5/17/2024 5:02:57 PMHORARIO DE RECOGIDA DE RESIDUOS VOLUMINOSOS ENERO A SEPTIEMBRE 2024 Nota: La Recolección Con Cita Comienza el 30 de Septiembre de 2024 !H! H 202 143 202 I-10 101 US-60 74 303 DESERT 10777 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
FINAL_Updated_Spanish_Bulk Trash Insert Schedule 2023188283pdfpdf9/29/2022 4:49:23 PMDebido a la escasez de personal DÓNDE COLOCAR RESIDUOS VOLUMINOSOS PHOENIX.GOV/PUBLICWORKS/BULKTRASH POR FAVOR: Siga las fechas para sacar la basura grande. Barra o limpie el área 17425 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
2024 Bulk Trash Collection Schedule_English191824pdfpdf5/17/2024 5:04:48 PMJANUARY - SEPTEMBER 2024 BULK TRASH PICKUP SCHEDULE AT 602-262-6251. DO: Follow the dates for bulk trash placement. Sweep or rake area after collection, if 460014 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
City of Phoenix Public Works Department192475htmlaspx9/11/2024 8:26:38 PM Trash collection is changing to an appointment-based system beginning September 30 8809055313False1616~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_WebPage.js
bulk_trash_community_appointments206245pdfpdf9/9/2024 7:04:02 PMAugust 20, 2025 December 10, 2025 Appointment‐Based Bulk Trash Collection Schedule Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Revised_FINAL_Spanish-Bulk Trash Insert Schedule 2021-22188284pdfpdf9/29/2022 4:41:25 PM*Todas las pilas deben colocarse afuera el día antes de que comience DÓNDE COLOCAR RESIDUOS VOLUMINOSOS PHOENIX.GOV/PUBLICWORKS/BULKTRASH ¿TIENE MUCHOS DESPERDICIOS VERDES O DE 2022 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Street Sweeping Schedule204176htmlaspx9/11/2024 8:26:38 PMResidential streets are swept quarterly in coordination with bulk trash collections This map shows bulk trash pick-up dates for city areas and the corresponding residential 20972159False1616~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_WebPage.js
SWFS At-A-Glance168431pdfpdf6/3/2021 7:40:53 PMServed 92 26 71 5 Garbage Recycling Bulk Trash Crews Green Organics 199 48 Side Loaders RAT 2 Recycle 56 SWEOs, 6 Foremen Bulk Trash (Uncontained): 17 SWEOs, 2 Foremen Service Area 742 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
PAYS_Newsletter_March_2020153703pdfpdf2/28/2020 9:41:45 PMCheck placement dates on bulk trash schedule For a complete list of Dos and Don’ts on bulk trash collection and a printable schedule in English and 3031 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Holiday Collection Schedule204102htmlaspx9/11/2024 8:26:38 PMCity of Phoenix > Public Works > Bulk Trash > Holiday Schedule3662546373False1616~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_WebPage.js
PAYS - November 2017103608pdfpdf10/22/2017 7:42:51 PMPHX Takes Off for the Holiday cannot wait until your next scheduled bulk trash pickup date, Phoenix residents can bring their bulk trash, up to one ton per month, to either of 1425 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
D5_July Newsletter ENG118766pdfpdf7/25/2024 5:52:32 PMPara versión en español, haz clic edition to learn about the Back to School Backpack Giveaway, bulk trash Phoenix's bulk trash collection program is changing to an appointment-based 84 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
Annexation Benefits12534pdfpdf9/5/2013 9:04:02 PMResidential Solid Waste, Trash Collection and Related Services Solid waste and recyclable materials are collected weekly, and bulk trash is picked up quarterly at a low 1859 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js
PAYS - April 2018103683pdfpdf4/5/2018 8:50:15 PMyou can look at the schedule for when bulk trash pickup will be in your neighborhood, and see the dates for when you can start placing your trash out for that pickup 1423 Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js