Indoor Water Use

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Inform staff, clients and customers about your commitment to save water. Good communication is essential. A few well-placed "friendly" signs can have a significant impact on indoor water use. Consider appointing a water steward in your business to facilitate discussions about "how to save more."

Lower Your Overhead​

Depending on the size and nature of your business, your indoor water use can vary considerably. In addition to toilets and faucets common to all businesses, you may have specialized commercial equipment that uses a lot of water. To lower your overhead, make water efficiency a priority when selecting new equipment, rem​odeling​ or upgrading indoor fixtures and appliances​.​

  • Communicate to suppliers about your commitment to conserve water.​
  • Make water efficiency a factor when choosing new equipment. Take into account the cost savings that can accrue over the lifetime of a unit. Look for industry-specific opportunities to save water.
  • Use waterless technologies where available. This could range from switching to waterless urinals in men's rooms to using waterless woks in your kitchen to replacing old photo-development or x-ray equipment with modern digital technologies.
  • Eliminate all technology operating with "once-through" (continuous water flow) systems such as once-through cooling. Reuse and recycle water wherever possible. Wastewater from some indoor sources can be re-used outdoors for irrigation.
  • Install automatic devices to turn water off when equipment is not in use.
  • Restrict water pressure and flow rates where possible (install pressure-restricting valves and add aerators to existing faucets).
  • Consider installing sub-meters on major water-using units in order ​to track water use. 

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