Firefighter Emergency Medical Technician

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Every firefighter candidate is required to possess the State of Arizona Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification at the time of the final selection interview.

If you already possess a current National Registry EMT certification card with the number beginning with a "B," you must complete a state refresher course with transition in order to obtain the State of Arizona EMT certification. If your National Registry certification number begins with an "E," you may apply for a State of Arizona card without further training.

For candidates possessing a current National Registry Paramedic certification card beginning with an "M" or a "P," you may apply for a State of Arizona card without further training. For National Registry Paramedic cards beginning with anything else, you must take and pass the NRT CBT and Cognitive Skills exam in order to obtain a State of Arizona Paramedic card.


The EMT and refresher courses are offered at most local community colleges. To locate a class you can visit the Arizona Department of Health Services.