Monitoring Programs

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Compliance Sampling

The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) is the primary federal law that ensures the safety of America's drinking water. Both the EPA and ADEQ require water quality compliance sampling under the SDWA.

Every month, the Water Monitoring section takes hundreds of water samples from sites throughout the City's water distribution system to test for the presence of any possible bacteria and to also monitor for chlorine levels.

In addition, samples are routinely collected at the Water Treatment Plants and drinking water wells to insure the quality of the water before it enters the distribution system.

To view current and past Water Quality Reports, or for more information about the City's water, or Federal and State drinking water programs please visit one of the links below:


New Water Mains

The Water Monitoring section performs sampling of new water mains to ensure they meet water quality standards before they are allowed to carry drinking water to residents. Construction contractors installing water lines in new or existing subdivisions coordinate the sampling through the Planning and Development Department.  

Chapter 37 of the City of Phoenix Code gives the Water Services Department authority for sampling water mains. The following excerpts are provided for your review. ​​

Article: II Water Main Extensions & Construction Sections 30-33
Article: XII Backflow Prevention Sec​tions 141-146

Please note these excerpts are provided as a convenience for quick review and not a substitute for the actual and entire City Code.


Customer Inquiries

The Water Monitoring section also receives inquiries from customers on the water that they receive from the City of Phoenix. Customer inquiries on general information about water service should go the Cus​tomer Service D​ivision or call them at 602-262-6251.

Some of the more common questions asked address:

  • Evaporative Coolers

    Evaporative coolers are affected by the hardness of the water. Hardness (mainly calcium) can build up on the pad(s) and reduce the effectiveness of the cooler. A bleed-off system and a sump dump will help in stopping the accumulation on the pads.

  • Water Heaters

    Water heaters need to be regularly flushed to help prevent sediment build up on the bottom of the tank. This sediment will affect the efficiency and could shorten the life of the heater. Sometimes this sediment can come through your plumbing and be deposited on the screen of your faucet.​