Monsoon Safety

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Arizona is known for our fantastic storms.

Here are some tips to help you protect yourself and your family when a big storm hits.


  • Lightning is attracted to metal and water, and often strike the tallest objects.
  • Stay away from wide, open areas such as fields and golf courses.
  • Stay off hilltops and other high points of land.
  • Don’t stand near trees or tall poles
  • Get at least 7 feet away from tall objects
  • Avoid metal objects such as golf carts and clubs, lawn mowers and pipes.
  • Get to the lowest point of ground you can, and kneel or squat to minimize your contact points with the ground.
  • Do not lie flat. This will make you a bigger target.
  • Don’t huddle with others. Spread out at least 15 feet apart.
  • Remove golf shoes or steel-toed boots.
  • If you’re out on the water, get to land.
  • If you’re in a pool, get out.

Downed Power Lines

  • Stay at least 100 feet away
  • If the power line has fallen on your car while you’re in it, don’t touch anything metal in the car, and stay inside until professional help arrives.
  • Never try to help someone trapped by a power line. You endanger your own safety. Instead, call 911 immediately.

Indoor Safety

  • Stay away from windows during strong winds. Tree limbs and other objects can be a hazard.
  • Electrical wiring attracts lightning. Don’t use the telephone, except for emergencies.
  • Lighting can move through a home’s plumbing, attracted to the metal or water.
  • Don’t use using sinks and showers.
  • Unplug computers, televisions and other delicate electronic equipment. Consider
  • attaching surge protectors to such equipment.

Driving Safety

  • Don’t enter a dust storm if you can avoid it.
  • Turn headlights on and drive a slow and prudent speed.
  • If you pull off the road, get as far to the right as possible. 
  • Turn off the car and headlights, and set the parking brake. Keep your foot off the brake pedal – other drivers may think you’re a car is moving.

In Rain

  • Rain reduces traction and causes streets to be slippery.  Slow your speed accordingly.
  • Water on roads may be deeper than it looks. Watch for vehicles travelling too fast. They can throw up blinding sheets of water.
  • Don’t cross rain-swollen washes. You can be caught in a flash flood that can sweep you and your vehicle away.
  • Pay attention to hazard signs and roadblocks. Ignoring them threatens life and property, and can result in enforcement action by police.
  • Stuck in a wash:  It is possible to lose control of a vehicle in 6 inches of water. Most vehicles will begin to float in 2 feet of water.
  • If you have a phone, call 911.
  • If you can, climb onto the roof and wait to be rescued.
  • If the water is still low and you can wade to safety, do so, but beware of floating debris