Indoor Remodeling

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​Competitive Edge

Stainless steel restroom sink with large mirror overhanging.

When replacing and upgrading facilities, bear in mind that installing low-water-using equipment can save water, energy and money. In the long run, these savings can turn into a competitive advantage and make your company more profitable.



Use Remodeling to Your Advantage

Plan ahead; learn how new technologies offer return on your investment. Price considerations should include capacity for long-term savings. Many high-efficiency technologies require higher upfront investments, but yield substantial long-term savings (or pay for themselves).

Examples include:

  • Tankless water heaters. When replacing water heaters, a "tankless" heater that heats water instantly can reduce use from hot water taps by up to 20 percent.

  • Pressure reducers. Adding or retrofitting existing technologies with pressure regulators that keep pressure to all fixtures below 70 psi can reduce water use and offer quick return on investment.

  • Aerators. For only a few dollars, retrofitting faucets with aerators increases water-efficiency instantly.

  • Install high-efficiency fixtures and appliances. Water-efficient fixtures and ap​pliances include low-flow showerheads, faucets, toilets and urinals. High-performance dishwashers, clothes washers and a wide range of industry-specific technologies are also available for your business.
