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What is Naloxone?

Naloxone is a medication FDA-approved to reverse an opioid overdose. It acts on the opioid receptors in the brain to restore breathing to an individual overdosing. It comes in two forms: intranasal and intramuscular. The intranasal form is a spray administered through the nose, commonly referred to as the brand name Narcan​. The intramuscular form is an injection into the muscle, typically given in the upper arm, thigh, or buttocks.  

​Naloxone only works on opioid overdoses; if there are no opioids in someone's system, it will not harm them. Because of this, it is completely safe if administered accidentally or to someone who is not experiencing an opioid overdose. It is also safe for all ages, including children and the elderly. If you suspect someone is experiencing an opioid overdose, you can administer naloxone and it will only help, not harm.​ 

 What is a Naloxone Kit?

​​Naloxone kits, also known as Narcan kits, are life-saving tools that contain the medication naloxone. Naloxone is a medication that can rapidly reverse an opioid overdose. These kits are often carried by people who are at increased risk for opioid overdose, especially those struggling with opioid use disorder (OUD), substance use disorder (SUD), or by their friends and family.

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Each City of Phoenix naloxone kit is comprised of:

•      A set of rubber gloves

•        A face shield for rescue breaths

•        Resources and how-to instructions for administering naloxone

•        Information on heat and substance use

•        2 doses of naloxone (nasal spray)

 Where to Get Naloxone

Naloxone Kit.jpegNaloxone is available over the counter at pharmacies without a prescription. There might still be a cost, even with insurance. Naloxone kits are also available for free at all 17 Phoenix Public Library Location​s. To find naloxone near you, visit: NaloxoneAZ Home Page - NaloxoneAZ

Naloxone can also be obtained for free from various community organizations. Please visit Sonoran Prevention Works  or Substance Use Coalition Leaders of Arizona​ to order naloxone for free by mail or see a list of locations for free distribution in the community. ​

 Opioid Overdose Symptoms

Opioid Overdose Symptoms  (Facebook Post) Spanish (2).png

 Be the difference, Save A Life!

​Click below to anonymously share your story about how you used Naloxone. This survey is a way for the City of Phoenix to capture and track how effective our naloxone program is working in the community. Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary and will be confidential.

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 Arizona Overdose Assistance Referral Line 24/7

​​​​Arizona Overdose Assistance Referral Line 24/7


 Frequently Asked Questions

​​Click the image below to view our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).


 Naloxone Instructions

Before administering Naloxone, ALWAYS call 911 for medical help. Check out the video and information below to learn how to properly administer Naloxone to someone experiencing an overdose.

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 How to Administer Naloxone