
​Monarch Conservation​​

Phoenix joined the Mayor's Monarch Pledge in 2021 to help support their multi-generation, 3,000-mile-long migration. Keep your eyes peeled for these beautiful butterflies in the Fall through Spring in Phoenix. This species is struggling due to habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change, but we can help. ​

Help the monarch butterfly Survive and Thrive!

Join us in the pledge by planting native milkweed and other native nectar plants to help the monarch butterfly and other pollinators! Let us know what you did on social media using #PlantingforMonarchs. Check out these top tips on how to help. 

​Native Plants 

Planting native plants are essential for the monarch butterfly and other pollinators, while also supporting our Sonoran Desert biodiversity and conserving water.

Need ideas on what to plant? Check out this list of native plants


Check out these links to learn more and find additional resources

Participate in monarch butterfly mapping citizen science

Participate in milkweed mapping citizen science

List of AZ nurseries that supply milkweed

Southwest Monarch Study

Desert Botanical Garden - Monarch ButterFlies and Milkweeds

Pollinator Conservation Resources: Southwest Region​

AZ Monarch Collaborative Native Plant Sources

Xerces Society Managing for Monarchs in the west

National Wildlife Federation

Monarch Joint Venture

Maricopa Native Seed Library ​​

Monarch Education Resources​

Ideas or suggestions? Email oepinfo@phoenix.gov with “monarch" in the subject line​

Photograph by William Vann​​

View the Mayor’s 2021 monarch proclamation

English (PDF)

Espanol (PDF)

​Planted a pollinator garden? Consider registering as a monarch waystation or pollinator pathway:

Monarch Watch

Maricopa Pollinator Pathway​

Looking for monarch interpretive signs? Check out these links for interpretive signs for the Phoenix area. 

English (PDF)

Espanol (PDF) 

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