
Contact Councilmember Kesha Hodge Washington

Kesha Hodge Washington portrait

Please be aware that the email message you are about to send is: (1) subject to disclosure under the Public Records Law, (2) not private or confidential and (3) retained for 90 days. An email sent on this system is a public record and may be viewed immediately by the media and/or public and could become part of a future public records request. To communicate with Councilmember Kesha Hodge Washington, you can complete this form or use your own Internet email system instead of this form and use council.district.8@phoenix.gov. Whichever system you choose for sending an email, the content of the message is still a public record.

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Before you submit this e-mail form, we would like you to be aware of the city's policy on the use of its e-mail systems. The policy states that the e-mail message you are about to send: (1) is subject to public disclosure under the Public Records Law, (2) is not private or confidential and (3) is retained for 90 days.