Notice of Public Meeting: Maryvale Village Planning Committee of Public Meeting: Maryvale Village Planning CommitteeDesert West Community Center, Room 3, 6501 West Virginia Avenue, Phoenix12/12/2024 1:00:00 AM12/12/2024 4:00:00 AMGP0|#dd647dbc-66f1-4ac3-9ad8-7fda71f58998;L0|#0dd647dbc-66f1-4ac3-9ad8-7fda71f58998|Planning and Development;GTSet|#517b07ab-dd83-4937-994c-c703834583f1;GPP|#c91454cd-5b28-4d66-bc01-17d32298aa9b Pursuant to A.R.S. Section 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the MARYVALE VILLAGE PLANNING COMMITTEE and to the general public, that the MARYVALE VILLAGE PLANNING COMMITTEE will hold a meeting open to the public on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at 600 p.m. located at the Desert West Community Center, Room 2, 6501 West Virginia Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. ​ ​ T o view the meeting notice and agenda ​please visit https// ​​​​​​​​​ ​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​ ​ ​​ For addi​tional Maryvale Village information please visit https// ​ ***End times are approximate.***
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ZONING ADJUSTMENT HEARING 9:00 AM (Items 1-7) and 1:30 PM (Items 8-15) OF PUBLIC HEARING ZONING ADJUSTMENT HEARING 9:00 AM (Items 1-7) and 1:30 PM (Items 8-15)Assembly Room C, Phoenix City Hall, 200 West Washington Street, First Floor12/12/2024 4:00:00 PM12/13/2024 12:00:00 AMGP0|#dd647dbc-66f1-4ac3-9ad8-7fda71f58998;L0|#0dd647dbc-66f1-4ac3-9ad8-7fda71f58998|Planning and Development;GTSet|#517b07ab-dd83-4937-994c-c703834583f1;GPP|#c91454cd-5b28-4d66-bc01-17d32298aa9b ​ https//
Notice of Cancellation: North Gateway Village Planning Committee of Cancellation: North Gateway Village Planning CommitteeGoelet A. Beuf Community Center, North Multi-Purpose Room, 3435 West Pinnacle Peak Road, Phoenix12/13/2024 1:00:00 AM12/13/2024 4:00:00 AMGP0|#dd647dbc-66f1-4ac3-9ad8-7fda71f58998;L0|#0dd647dbc-66f1-4ac3-9ad8-7fda71f58998|Planning and Development;GTSet|#517b07ab-dd83-4937-994c-c703834583f1;GPP|#c91454cd-5b28-4d66-bc01-17d32298aa9b The NORTH GATEWAY VILLAGE PLANNING COMMITTEE meeting scheduled for Thursday, December 12, 2024, at 600 p.m. has been CANCELED .​ ​ ​ T o view the meeting notice and agenda ​please visit https// ​ ​​​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​ ​​ ​ ​​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ F or additional North Gatewa y Village information please visit https// ​ ***End times are approximate.***



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My Community Map Community Map<div class="ExternalClassA348CCB139CC48AB9566274E739DB705"><p>​Launch <a href="" target="_blank">My Community Map</a> to see current zoning, proposed zoning, permit activities, and historic properties.</p><br></div>
SHAPE PHX Portal PHX Portal<div class="ExternalClass54B3210C32AE4C1A91A17A85E026A0A9"><p>Click on the SHAPE PHX logo for Residential Plan Review, Permitting and Inspections, Licenses and Operating Permits, Planning and Zoning, Historic Preservation and more.</p><p>Submit Residential Photovoltaic (Solar) at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.​<br></p><p><br></p></div>_blank
Development Center Appointment Scheduling Center Appointment Scheduling<div class="ExternalClass38184C0DC2714ECA8CA5D03743E4ED54"><p>The City of Phoenix Development Center, located at 200 W Washington Street, 2nd Floor, is open Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (excluding major holidays). Walk-ins are welcome but appointments are strongly encouraged. Skip the wait, book an appointment! Booking an appointment is easy. Click here to get started.<br><br></p></div>_self counter 3.jpg
Section Supervisors Supervisors<div class="ExternalClass68B223D6CE71490AA46793919B962365"><p>​The Planning and Development Department encourages customers to reach out to their plan reviewer, inspector or other front line staff with any questions or concerns. If customers continue to have concerns, please contact the appropriate PDD supervisor​ for further assistance.​<br></p></div>_self
Help Me With My Project! Me With My Project!<div class="ExternalClass67C9119DB2534C70A64B782E03A85529"><p>​Need help navigating the development process? Planning & Development's new Ombudsman Section can help! Our in-house staff has resources to make the process straightforward to get your project moving!<br></p></div>_self
General Plan Update 2025 Plan Update 2025<div class="ExternalClass77340D4A4D5443D7A5A5AE5CC4EE77E7"><p>​The city updates the General Plan every 10 years. The next update is 2025. Check here to follow the updates and learn how you can particpate.<br></p></div>_self link image.JPG
Transit-Oriented Development Projects Development Projects<div class="ExternalClassD2BF35322FE44AFFB50B6A74F029E7E4"><p>​Find information on the latest on existing and upcoming Light-Rail Exenstion Projects, including South-Central, Northwestern, Capitol and I-10 West Extensions.<br></p></div>_self
Village Planning Committees Planning Committees<div class="ExternalClassFB647CC447194C8284811FB8A288F720"><p>​Check out the <a href="/villages" target="_blank">Village Planning Committees</a> website for information, maps to meeting locations, downloads, and schedules. Plus, watch new video series!</p></div>_self
Rio Reimagined Reimagined<div class="ExternalClass4517002ECBC14E95B42C8CF80DC78C44"><p>​Learn and participate in plans to "re-imagine" the Rio Salado by promoting ecological restoration, investment, housing and many more opportunities for existing residents and visitors.<br></p></div>_self 1 - Audubon Center - with text.JPG
Adaptive Reuse - Office of Customer Advocacy Reuse - Office of Customer Advocacy<div class="ExternalClass8734DF50E2C54EA1B0BF521FF614B021">The Adaptive Reuse Program aims to revitalize existing buildings to preserve our history, contribute to economic vitality by promoting small business, and create more vibrant neighborhoods.<br></div>_self
Permit by Inspector by Inspector<div class="ExternalClass86308760ED4845D8B7AB08611D283546"><p>​Fast-track many home or commercial project with our Permit by Inspector Program that allows plan review and inspections to be conducted onsite.​<br></p></div>_self



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