Missouri Avenue Improvement Project

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Missouri Avenue between 19th Avenue and 24th Street

As part of the City's continued efforts to make our streets more bikable, walkable and livable, the City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department planned to seek community input on proposed improvements to Missouri Avenue between 19th Avenue and 24th Street through a public meeting that was scheduled for October 26, 2016. The public meeting was cancelled due to a conflicting meeting. The proposed improvements that include a repurposing of the street to add bicycle lanes, aligned closely with a number of City initiatives including:

  • Reinvent Phoenix

  • PlanPhx

  • Complete Streets Ordinance 

  • Comprehensive Bicycle Master Plan.    

Update (April 11, 2017)

In response to numerous concerns expressed by area residents and stakeholders, the proposed reduction in travel lanes for Missouri Avenue between 19th Avenue and 24th Street is no longer being considered. Before outlining any potential improvements on Missouri Avenue between 19th Avenue and 24th Street, public input will be collected via a survey that will be made available as part of the future City of Phoenix Key Corridors Master Plan efforts, slated to start this summer. 

Pertaining to Missouri Avenue, the Master Plan will:

  • Contain two focus areas including the Camelback East Corridor and another to be determined. Potential ways to increase circulation, mitigate congestion growth and provide transportation options will be addressed.

  • Provide information on pedestrian/bicycle corridor alternatives while also gathering input from residents on streets they feel would provide strong options for the community.

  • Outline future improvements that could be considered for inclusion in the Street Department Capital Improvement Program.

  • Assess and prioritize various transportation needs and issues for this corridor, linking to community input gathered thus far.  

As part of the launch for the Master Plan a dedicated webpage will be established and made available under the Planning section of the Street Transportation projects webpage.   

Stakeholders that contacted the Street Transportation Department to date have been placed in our database and will be notified when the survey for the Master Plan is available.

Information Resources

Missouri Avenue Traffic Study - Aug. 6, 2016.pdf

Contact Information



Missouri Avenue between 19th and 43th avenues  

Planning related efforts aimed at making the Missouri Avenue corridor between 19th and 43th avenues safer and more effective continue to progress. For more information about this project, visit the project webpage. Additional opportunities for public input will be made available as the project advances. To receive updates about this project email WestMissouriImprovements@phoenix.gov