Flood Prevention
Homeowners, without intentionally doing so, can sometimes create situations outside their home that can cause water to back up into the house during heavy rains. A lot of times this is due to work done to landscaping in the yard that doesn't allow water to drain off towards the street. You should always be aware of how water drains on your property. It should always drain away, and not towards the home.
Do you live in a Flood Plain?
Homeowners are sometimes unaware that they live in a flood plain. This is especially true for renters, who sometimes do not know the details of the property and its location in regards to water runoff from storms. You can learn if you live in a floodplain by contacting the Maricopa County Flood Control District.

Sand Bags
Using sandbags to keep water out of your home is sometimes necessary, depending upon the situation. During potential flooding events, the city will sometimes provide sand at predetermined locations, such as fire stations,near where it is most needed. In the event of a potential flood event, the city will post the locations of where sand can be obtained. Residents should also do their part an have sandbags ready for this potential situation.
Additional Resources
Additional flood safety information is available at FloodSmart.gov, and at Ready.gov.