
Phoenix Fast-Track Cities Initiative ​

Strengthening HIV Programs and Leveraging Resources to 

End the HIV Epidemic​ by 2030

What is the Fast-Track Cities Initiative?

The Fast-Track Cities initiative is a global initiative that was launched on World AIDS Day 2014 in Paris. Hundreds of cities around the world have since signed the Paris Declaration on Fast-Track Cities. In 2016, the Phoenix Mayor and City Council approved joining the Fast-Track Cities initiative​ and appointed a diverse Ad Hoc Committee representing people living with HIV, medical providers, community-based organizations, local HIV advocacy groups, and government departmets in the HIV field. The City of Phoenix would like to thank our community partners for all the work they continue to do to help meet our targets to end the HIV epidemic: 

  • 95% of people living with HIV (PLHIV) knowing their HIV status

  • 95% of PLHIV who know their HIV-positive status on antiretroviral therapy (ART)

  • 95% of PLHIV on ART achieving viral suppression

  • ZERO Stigma

The City of Phoenix needs your help to address the HIV epidemic. 
Visit Phoenix's Fast-Track Cities Global Web Portal: 

The City of Phoenix Fast-Track Cities was the recipient of the North American Global City of Excellence Award in 2023 along with five otehr cities from other continents.

​Connect with us:

Positively You 

Check out Positively You to learn more about free and low-cost HIV services provided through Maricopa County's Ryan White Program​​.

aunt ritas logo.png 

Aunt Rita's Foundation is dedicated to the elimination of, and suffering from, HIV and AIDS. Check them out to find resources for HIV and AIDS education and support.​​