Phoenix Employment Relations Board

The Phoenix Employment Relations Board (PERB) is a city of Phoenix agency established, in part, to adjudicate unfair employee relations practice for rank-and-file city employees. PERB consists of five impartial members.
None of the members is an agent, employee, or staff member of the city of Phoenix or any city of Phoenix organization,

PERB was created pursuant to the Phoenix City Code.

Contact PERB

Phoenix 11

310 W. Adams Street
Phoenix, AZ 85003

Board Meetings - Third Tuesday of each month, 304​ W. Adams, Phoenix, AZ 85003 at 9:30 AM.  

November 19, 2024

December 17, 2024

January 21, 2025

February 18, 2025

​March 18, 2025

April 15, 2025

May 20, 2025

June 17, 2025

July 15, 2025

August 19, 2025

September 16, 2025

October 21, 2025

November 18, 2025

December 16, 2025


Rules and Regulations


Approved by Phoenix City Council May 11, 1976

First Amendment - November 15, 1978
Second Amendment - May 2, 1991
Third Amendment - February 17, 1994
Fourth Amendment - February 17, 2000
Fifth Amendment - January 31, 2007
Sixth Amendment - August 31, 2010

Filing a Charge



31Who can file?<div class="ExternalClassED8BDCD77FF24DB9BD79E8B0FA21ED1D"><p>​<span class="body">Any rank and file City of Phoenix employee, authorized representative, or the City of Phoenix may file a charge alleging a violation of Phoenix City Code, Section 2-220 or Section 2-221.</span></p></div>
32Who is excluded from coverage under the ordinance?<div class="ExternalClassCA67D834E5FC4DB49828343785C9D97A"><p><span class="body">The Ordinance specifically excludes from its coverage individuals who are: </span></p><ul><li>Persons classified as judicial, supervisory, or managerial employees.<br> </li><li>Elected officials and appointive management officials.<br> </li><li>Professional employees.<br> </li><li>Temporary employees.<br> </li><li>Confidential employees who have responsibility for administering the public<br>employer-employee relations ordinance as part of their official duties.<br></li></ul></div>
33What are some examples of employer conduct which violate the ordinance?<div class="ExternalClass2476873DF30A4EC2B67BD1E7B7271477"><p><span class="body">Threatening employees with loss of jobs or benefits if they join or vote for an employee organization or engage in protected concerted activity. </span></p><p>Questioning employees about their union sympathies or activities in circumstances that tend to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights under the Ordinance. </p><p>Transferring, laying off, terminating, or assigning employees more difficult work tasks because they engaged in union or protected concerted activity. </p></div>
34What can you expect if you file a charge?<div class="ExternalClass6CC725FB0D1A417599916C833EAAE416"><p><span class="body">When a charge is filed alleging that the City of Phoenix has committed an unfair employee relations practice in violation of the Ordinance, the parties are required to make an attempt to resolve the matter within fourteen (14) days from the date of filing. </span></p><p>If an informal attempt to resolve the matter is unsuccessful, it will be further processed by the Board. The charged party shall file a response to Charge in the form of an answer or motion to dismiss within 35 days following service of the charge. Following receipt of either, the case will be placed on the Board's next agenda. At the meeting the Board will weigh and determine the pleadings filed and the arguments presented. (Please see PERB Rules and REgulations pertaining to motions.) </p><p>If a charge is set to hearing, such hearing will be held before a hearing officer or PERB, at which time the parties will present evidence in support of their positions. </p><p>If, after reviewing the evidence, it appears that a violation has occurred, PERB will issue a decision to remedy the violation. Either party may seek review of the PERB order. </p></div>
35How do you file a charge?<div class="ExternalClass027012B402FD4692A07F396B585AE4EB"><p><span class="body">Prepare a draft of your charge using the appropriate form given under the Forms link on this web site or request a form from the PERB office. Make sure you cite specific times, places, people, etc. for each allegation. Charges are to be typewritten. Make sure all supporting documents are legible. The accompanying affidavit must be notarized. </span></p><p><strong>Charges may be filed electronically by scanning the original documents and emailing them to the PERB mailbox at or filed in person at the PERB office. Upon receipt of a charge a conformed copy will be returned via email or if filed in person, given to the person delivering the charge at the time of filing. If filed electronically the date/time of email receipt will be the date/time the PERB will consider the charge filed. The charge must include a statement of the relief sought by the charging party, provided that the statement shall not limit the Board's ability to award relief based on the record. </strong></p><div><span class="body"><span style="color:#444444;"><strong>For​ms</strong></span><strong> are available in the PERB office.</strong></span></div></div>




Prohibited Practice Charge Practice Charge
Annual Financial Statement Financial Statement
Qualifications of Employee Organizations Charge of Employee Organizations Charge
Dispute Resolution Checklist Resolution Checklist
Unfair Employee Relations Practice Charge Employee Relations Practice Charge
Public Record Request Record Request.pdfPublic Record Request

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