2/12/2025 11:00 AM Economic Development and Housing | 2/12/2025 11:00 AM Economic Development and Housing | | /cityclerksite/City Council Meeting Files/250212001.pdf | | https://www.phoenix.gov/cityclerk/request-to-speak-virtual-economic-development-and-housing | | | | | Economic Development and Housing | 2/12/2025 6:00:00 PM | 1441 | https://phoenix.granicusideas.com/meetings/688-economic-development-and-housing-subcommittee-february-12-2025/agenda_items | 2/12/2025 11:00 AM Economic Development and Housing | https://phoenixcitycouncil.webex.com/phoenixcitycouncil/onstage/g.php?MTID=e970f851728c05412ed55673113b96b12 |
2/11/2025 2:30 PM Work Study Session | 2/11/2025 2:30 PM Work Study Session | | /cityclerksite/City Council Meeting Files/2-11-25 Work Study Agenda - Final.pdf | | | | | | | Work Study Session | 2/11/2025 9:30:00 PM | 1443 | | 2/11/2025 2:30 PM Work Study Session | https://phoenixcitycouncil.webex.com/phoenixcitycouncil/onstage/g.php?MTID=e2a6b551af7b7ed1769477c52a99529a6 |
2/11/2025 2:30 PM Policy Session | 2/11/2025 2:30 PM Policy Session | | /cityclerksite/City Council Meeting Files/250211001.pdf | | | | | | | Policy Session | 2/11/2025 9:30:00 PM | 1444 | | 2/11/2025 2:30 PM Policy Session | |
2/6/2025 12:00 AM General Information Packet | 2/6/2025 12:00 AM General Information Packet | | | | | /cityclerksite/City Council Meeting Files/2-6-25 General Information Packet - FINAL.pdf | | | | General Information Packet | 2/6/2025 7:00:00 AM | 1442 | | 2/6/2025 12:00 AM General Information Packet | |
2/5/2025 2:30 PM Formal Meeting | 2/5/2025 2:30 PM Formal Meeting | | /cityclerksite/City Council Meeting Files/2-5-25 Formal Agenda-FINAL.pdf | | https://www.phoenix.gov/cityclerk/request-to-speak-virtual-formal | | /cityclerksite/City Council Meeting Files/2-5-25 Formal Results-FINAL.pdf | | | Formal Meeting | 2/5/2025 9:30:00 PM | 1438 | https://phoenix.granicusideas.com/meetings/686-city-council-formal-meeting-february-5-2025/agenda_items | 2/5/2025 2:30 PM Formal Meeting | https://phoenixcitycouncil.webex.com/phoenixcitycouncil/onstage/g.php?MTID=ecf238c9e8d0c337ec28d0523bea550e7 |
2/5/2025 10:00 AM Public Safety and Justice | 2/5/2025 10:00 AM Public Safety and Justice | | /cityclerksite/City Council Meeting Files/250205002.pdf | | https://www.phoenix.gov/cityclerk/request-to-speak-virtual-public-safety | | /cityclerksite/City Council Meeting Files/250205002R.pdf | | | Public Safety and Justice | 2/5/2025 5:00:00 PM | 1440 | https://phoenix.granicusideas.com/meetings/687-public-safety-and-justice-subcommittee-february-5-2025/agenda_items | 2/5/2025 10:00 AM Public Safety and Justice | https://phoenixcitycouncil.webex.com/phoenixcitycouncil/onstage/g.php?MTID=e2abfba891dce330b139ba998426c1da0 |
1/30/2025 12:00 AM General Information Packet | 1/30/2025 12:00 AM General Information Packet | | | | | /cityclerksite/City Council Meeting Files/1-30-25 General Information Packet - FINAL.pdf | | | | General Information Packet | 1/30/2025 7:00:00 AM | 1439 | | 1/30/2025 12:00 AM General Information Packet | |
1/29/2025 10:00 AM Economic Development and Housing | 1/29/2025 10:00 AM Economic Development and Housing | | /cityclerksite/City Council Meeting Files/250129001.pdf | | | | | | | Economic Development and Housing | 1/29/2025 5:00:00 PM | 1437 | | 1/29/2025 10:00 AM Economic Development and Housing | |
1/28/2025 2:30 PM Policy Session | 1/28/2025 2:30 PM Policy Session | | /cityclerksite/City Council Meeting Files/250128001.pdf | | | | | | | Policy Session | 1/28/2025 9:30:00 PM | 1436 | | 1/28/2025 2:30 PM Policy Session | |
1/22/2025 2:30 PM Formal Meeting | 1/22/2025 2:30 PM Formal Meeting | | /cityclerksite/City Council Meeting Files/1-22-25 Formal Agenda - FINAL.pdf | | https://www.phoenix.gov/cityclerk/request-to-speak-virtual-formal | | /cityclerksite/City Council Meeting Files/1-22-25 Formal Results.pdf | | | Formal Meeting | 1/22/2025 9:30:00 PM | 1435 | https://phoenix.granicusideas.com/meetings/683-city-council-formal-meeting-january-22-2025/agenda_items | 1/22/2025 2:30 PM Formal Meeting | https://phoenixcitycouncil.webex.com/phoenixcitycouncil/onstage/g.php?MTID=e19439cb0f9339c65e9efaaa520477ab2 |