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​​​​Feedba​ck​F.A.Q.​Budget Docum​ents

​​Community Budget Guide


​​​​​​​This page also is provided in Spanish. Esta página también se dispone en español.

FundPHX​ is an online tool designed to educate and engage the public in the City's annual budget process. The tool is available with the 2024-25 adopted budget in both English and Spanish and gives residents the opportunity to provide feedback and share community priorities with staff. Information collected in the tool from residents will be shared regularly with City Council. ​​​

Visit our Budget Library​ to view our past FundPHX Reports.​​​​​​​

 Learn about FundPHX

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Accordion

Dive Deep Into Phoenix's Annual Budget

​An essential part of planning for the city of Phoenix is the ​development of its annual budget every year. The more than $2 billion General Fund operating budget includes everything from police and fire services, to parks, libraries, and senior services.

With a budget that size​​​, supporting the fifth largest ​city in the country and 1.7 million residents, it can be a challenge to understand everything that goes in to the services you receive. To help residents better understand how our budget is created, the Budget and Research Department created this tool to gather feedback and help you see what makes Phoenix run. 

Try t​he​ Tool!​​ ​​​​​​

Check out the budgeting tool right n​ow to see how it works. Get tips on how to use it and adjust line items by clicking the Help button in the tool.

English Tool Screenshot.PNG

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Budget In Your Neighborhood

The city of Phoenix will be hosting community meetings to teach residents about how to use the budgeting tool and to give hands-on assistance in ​pr​oviding feedback with Budget and Research Department staff.

If you would like a presentation on the budget tool to your community group, please contact us at 602-262-4800 or email budget.research@phoenix.gov.

Top of page​​


We welcome your comments, please email budget.research@phoenix.gov. When you submit an email it falls under the city's policy which states that the email message is: (1) subject to public disclosure under the Public Records Law, (2) is not private or confidential and (3) is retained for 90 days.​​​

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)​​​​

The following list has been compiled to answer questions about the city's budget feedback process and tool. For additional questions and/or ​​comments, contact budget.research@ph​oenix.gov. ​​​



​Question 1: Why did the city of Phoe​​​​nix ​​​​add this budgeting tool?​​​​​​​​​​​​<div class="ExternalClass82A9C9364D774DCB9A6460EAF5747A9C"><p class="cop-rteElement-ParagraphXL"> <strong>Answer: </strong>The city of Phoenix is known for one of the most transparent and participatory budgeting processes in the country. Over the years, staff has looked for ways to include more people in the budgeting process, especially those who are not able to attend the city's budget hearings. This tool allows people to participate at their own pace, on their own schedule, in conjunction with the city's traditional budget process.<br></p></div>
Question 2: Why does the budget tool only let you change General Fund line items?​​<div class="ExternalClass39A0DBFC0D81448B83AEF136757831C7"><p class="cop-rteElement-ParagraphXL"> <strong>Answer: </strong>The city's budget is made up of several kinds of funds, including General Funds, Enterprise Funds, and Special Revenue Funds. Both Enterprise and Special Revenue Funds are required to be devoted to specific purposes or programs, usually by ordinance. General Funds are used by all other city departments and can be allocated to a variety of purposes.​<br></p>​<br></div>
Question 3: What infor​mation will the ​​​tool provide me?​​​<div class="ExternalClass9034DC86AC5149AD9A5101F959D53554"><p class="cop-rteElement-ParagraphXL"> <strong>Answer:​</strong> <span class="ui-provider ef bsi bco bul bum bun buo bup buq bur bus but buu buv buw bux buy buz bva bvb bvc bvd bve bvf bvg bvh bvi bvj bvk bvl bvm bvn bvo bvp bvq" dir="ltr">The tool will offer infomation on the current budget when it is loaded with current FY year budget infomation. </span>​</p></div>
Question 4: I've submitted recommendations through the tool, what happens next?<div class="ExternalClassF1F03930FC5048DDA5EDA98305E665B1"><p class="cop-rteElement-ParagraphXL"> <strong>Answer:​</strong> Submissions into the tool are compiled on a regular basis and shared with the City Council, department and city management, to help guide the budgeting process.</p></div>
Question 5: I'd like to learn more about the city's budget process, where can I find more information?<div class="ExternalClass578D781567A64143A0D80C6F945B89D6"><p class="cop-rteElement-ParagraphXL"> <strong>Answer:</strong> The city's current budget documents, budget calendar and an archive of previous budget publications is available online at <a href="/budget">phoenix.gov/budget​</a>.​<br></p></div>