
The Self-Certification Program:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

The Self-Certification Program eliminates plan review by allowing a registered professional to take responsibility for and certify a project's compliance with building code, standards and ordinances. Depending on the scope of the project, permits can be issued within one to five business days. The program includes most buildings over 25,000 square feet; inventory, salvage, landscape and parking lot plans by landscape architects; and grading and drainage and parking lot plans by civil engineers.

To assist in faster processing times of Self-Certified building plans, please ensure the following:

  • All items have been addressed per the Self-Certified Building Plan Submittal Checklist
  • All applicable Self-Certification documents are included with the submittal
  • Applicable peer reviews (structural and/or electrical) have been completed
  • The plan has gone through your firm's in-house quality control review prior to submittal
  • If PDD staff are obtaining necessary approvals from other departments/sections on behalf of the Self-Certified professional, please allow an additional three business days


Self-Certification Program Details

Looking for a Self-Certified Professional?

Looking for a Peer Reviewer?

Additional Program ​Information

For dates and specific information related to Self-Certification training, select the registration link to the left.

For additional information contact Claire Simeone-Stern at 602-495-0265​ or by e-mail at: claire.stern@phoenix.gov




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Self-Certification TrainingSelf-Certification Training/pdd/self-certification-program/class-registrationRegister today for upcoming classesPurple
