Make a Difference with Your School Tax Credit Donation

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Helping local schools has never been easier. Make a school tax credit donation today.

School tax credits are a win-win for students and taxpayers. Everyone has the opportunity to make a tax credit contribution to local schools — even those without children.

Making a donation is easy: Donate online, keep your receipt and claim your tax credit when you file. Every dollar reduces your tax liability.

Through the Arizona tax credit program (ARS 43-1089.01), taxpayers can donate up to $200 to help fund extracurricular activities and receive every dollar back in the form of a tax credit. Taxpayers can contribute up to $200 for an individual and $400 for a married couple. 

Make the right choice for your school tax credit donation.

Not all school districts benefit equally from the tax credit program. One school district received as little as $3 per pupil, while another received as much as $135 per pupil. 

Use the graph below, or our interactive elementary and high school district maps, to select a high-need school for your school tax credit contribution.

Source: Arizona Department of Revenue


Find a School in Need

Visit our interactive maps to see how much each Phoenix school district received in tax credit contributions for tax year 2016.


Quick Facts

  • For a single individual or head of household, the tax credit is $200.
  • $400 state tax credit is available for taxpayers who are married and filing jointly.
  • You may split your $400 donation among more than one public school, but will still qualify for a maximum state credit of $400.
  • Donate any time on or before April 15, 2018 to receive your 2017 tax credit.  

To learn more, review the Arizona Department of Revenue school tax credit brochure.