

​​​​Drowning Zero is our vision to reduce the number of both adult and pediatric drownings in our city to zero. We can achieve this through community education, rapid emergency response, and preventative action. Please follow these tips and help us achieve #DrowningZero

​​If You Find Someone In Trouble In The Water:

  • ​Yell for help and pull the person out of the water.
  • Call 9-1-1 immediately! Stay on the line.​
  • Begin CPR​ 
  • If you are not trained, follow the instructions from the 9-1-1 operator until help arrives.​​

​​​How To Prevent Drowning:

  • ​​Use an approved barrier to separate the pool from the house. 

  • NEVER ​​allow children to be alone near a pool or any water source. This includes bathtubs, buckets, toilets, ponds and canals. 

  • Have life-saving devices near the pool, such as a hook, pole, or flotation device.

  • Keep large objects such as tables, chairs, or ladders away from pool fences. 

  • ALWAYS have a designated child watcher when kids are in the pool. ​

  • If you leave the pool area, take the child (children) with you.​​​​​ 

​Pool Safety Tips:

  • Learn CPR
  • Learn to swim.
  • NEVER swim alone.
  • NEVER swim under the influence of alcohol or medications.
  • NEVER swim when you hear thunder or see lightning.
  • NEVER dive into an unfamiliar body of water​​

 Green Pools Contact

To report a stagnant green pool contact:

City of Phoenix Neighborho​od Services: 602-262-7844 

Maricopa County​ at 602-506-6616​​​

 ​Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons are available at some City of Phoenix Pools locations.​​​
