Historic Preservation Incentive Programs

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​​​An important part of what makes Phoenix a special place to live is its unique historic resources. Preservation of these resources fosters community pride, investment and redevelopment. Recognizing the importance of our community's heritage, values and connections with the past, there are several incentive programs available to preserve and rehabilitate historic resources.

  • Demonstration Project Program
    The Demonstration Project Program was created to encourage the rehabilitation of significant historic properties used for multi-family, commercial or institutional purposes. The program provides funding for exterior work that retains historic building materials and features, reverses inappropriate alterations, reconstructs missing historic details or otherwise returns a building to its historic appearance.
  • Exterior Rehabilitation Assistance Program
    This program assists residents to sensitively rehabilitate historic homes while promoting reinvestment in Phoenix's historic neighborhoods. Owners of historic homes, either in city-designated historic districts or individually listed on the Phoenix Historic Property Register, are eligible to apply.
  • Warehouse and Threatened Building Program
    This program is available to help property owners rehabilitate threatened historic buildings and historic downtown warehouses and to return them to a viable use. Eligible buildings are either located in the downtown Warehouse Overlay District (generally bound by Seventh Street, Third Avenue, Lincoln Street and Madison Street) or are located elsewhere in the city but are severely threatened either by their deteriorated condition or possible demolition.
  • State, Federal and Other Incentives
    Because the preservation of historic buildings is an important public benefit, the state and federal governments as well as public and private foundations have developed incentives to assist in the restoration, maintenance and rehabilitation of historic resources.