Historic Preservation State, Federal and Other Incentives

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​​​​​​​​​​State Tax Incentives
The State of Arizona maintains a property tax reduction program for non-income-producing properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places and a property tax incentive program for income-producing properties. The Arizona State Historic Preservation Office in conjunction with the county assessors administers this program.

Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentive
The National Parks Service administers financial incentive programs for historic buildings in partnership with the Internal Revenue Service. This includes a 20 percent rehabilitation tax credit on federal income taxes for certified historic building rehabilitation projects. For these projects, buildings must be listed or eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. All work must meet the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and be approved by the State Historic Preservation Office. Owners also can receive a substantial charitable deduction from federal income taxes by donating a preservation easement on a designated historic building to a non-profit preservation organization. This easement would preserve the historic building in perpetuity, but not restrict the owner's ability to sell or rent the property.

Arizona Historic Preservation Heritage Fund Grant Program
This program provides funding assistance to local, regional and statewide historic preservation projects.

National Trust for Historic Preservation
The National Trust, through its financial assistance programs, demonstrates that preserving our heritage improves the quality of life in American communities. The National Trust's grant and loan programs have helped​ thousands of innovative preservation projects that protect the continuity, diversity and beauty of our communities.