HHW Home Collection is Here!
Public Works is offering a program that assists solid waste residential customers with the proper disposal of their household hazardous waste items (HHW).
HHW should NOT be placed in the trash or recycling containers for safety reasons. Hazardous materials need to be properly disposed of to protect human health and the environment, as well as protect residents and employees from harm and hazards caused by these toxic materials.
How to Participate...

Acceptable materials listResiduos Domésticos Peligrosos
Schedule a Home CollectionOnly customers with a residential solid waste account are eligible. Please refer to the upper right corner of your City Services Bill to obtain your account number as you will need this to proceed. If you are unsure of your eligibility to participate in this program, please contact the HHW team at hhwcollection@phoenix.gov.
Only 1 HHW home collection is allowed per Solid Waste customer per calendar year.

You will receive an email reminder 1-2 business days before your scheduled pick-up, and you’re all set!
Because HHW materials could cause harm, please take a moment to read our HHW Guidelines to ensure a safe pick-up.