Phoenix Compost Study 

Did you know that yard trimmings and food waste make up 45 percent of Phoenix's solid waste stream?

​​​The majority of this material currently ends up in the landfill. In support of the Reimagine Phoenix initiative's goal to divert 40 percent of our trash from the landfill by the year 2020, the city began a pilot compost program that includes mulch, food scraps (special events, grocery and produce) and large animal manure from residential collections.  The city is also building a compost facility that is expected to be operational in the spring of 2017 and will process green organic waste into high quality compost. 

The Phoenix Public Works Department has teamed up with the Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department and the Walton Sustainable Solutions Initiatives at Arizona State University to study the environmental and economic benefits of using compost from the pilot composting program to city parks as an alternative to the current non-organic turf management processes. 

The goal of this study is to produce healthy soils in our city parks and improve the look and feel of the turf. This two-year study will apply compost to select study areas at a variety of city parks and analyze the impact on turf quality, soil health, visual appearance, turf durability and water usage. Each park included in the study will contain at least one 1- to 2-acre study areas and, where appropriate, a control zone where traditional turf management practices are used. The compost will be applied in the study areas of the parks twice a year (Fall and Spring).  

​​​Compost Turf Study Update:

The first year of the multi-year Phoenix Turf Compost Study has been completed. An Executive Summary of Year One of the study, which summarizes the processes and findings, is now available. The Executive Summary of the Turf Compost Study was presented to the Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on October 11, 2016.  ​


​​Operations manager Stacy Hettmansperger explains the PHX Compost Study and the importance of partnerships with Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department and ASU. 

 Phoenix parks participating in the study:

  • Cesar Chavez Park, 7858 S. 35th Ave.
  • Hance Park, 67 W. Culver St.
  • Smith Park, 4030 W. Sherman Rd.
  • Tramonto Park, 35425 N. 32nd Dr.
  • Encanto Park, 2605 N. 15th Ave.
  • Calvin Goode Plaza, Jefferson Street and Third Avenue
  • Cesar Chavez Plaza, Jefferson Street and Third Avenue
  • City Hall Employee Memorial Plaza, Washington Street and Third Avenue​
  • Paradise Valley Park, 17642 N. 40th St.​