Racial Equity Assessment & Reflection

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 Assessment Instructions

Please provide an assessment of where your organization is in its journey towards becoming an anti-racist one. We encourage your leadership, including board members, and if possible, artists, staff,​ and community to use this assessment as a tool for reflection and collective conversation prior to completing it for the application.

  1. Build and distribute an anonymous survey to send to assessment participants. Feel free to use our Example Survey​ as a model. 
  2. Collect anonymous responses and note reflections.​
  3. Complete the FY22 Assessment and Reflection Activity​ by May 7, 2021 

Your responses are confidential and will not be shared with panelists. Grants staff will use the information gathered to develop a deeper understanding of the local arts community’s need and desire for resources and training.​​

 Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Strategies


Since 2017, the Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture in collaboration with the Phoenix Arts and Culture Commission researched, reviewed case studies, and identified values, con​cepts, and practices concerning equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) as it relates to the Office of Arts and Culture's programs. Th​is is a national movement in the arts sector and recognizing that especially in the changing demographics of Phoenix, there is a need for assessing potential inequalities in grantmaking and other services.​​

Strategy Goal

The City of Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture believes in fair treatment, access, and opportunity fo​r all individuals. Our equity strategy aims to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented marginalized groups' full participation from the Office of Arts and Culture programs and to strengthen equity, diversity, and inclusion in the arts and culture sector for all Phoenix residents.​​​​