Phoenix Arts and Culture Coronavirus Relief Program for Artists and Arts Professionals

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​​The Phoenix City Council approved using federal Coronavirus Relief Funding to help support working artists who have experienced financial hardship because of the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic crisis. This funding will be managed by the Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture.​

The deadline to apply was Friday, September 18, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. 



The Office of Arts and Culture announces the second round for the Phoenix Arts and Culture Coronavirus Relief Program for Artists and Arts Professionals. This grant program will help support arts professionals, working artists, teaching artists, and other artist-based contract workers who have experienced job loss, indefinitely postponed, canceled events and residencies, or terminated contracts because of the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic crisis.

The Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture has an equity strategy that aims to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented marginalized groups' full participation from the agency’s programs and to strengthen equity, diversity, and inclusion in the arts and culture sector for all Phoenix residents.

 Grant Amount

Grants are up to $1,500. No cash match is required. Jobs, events, residencies, or contracts for which an individual is claiming lost income must have been scheduled to take place between March 1-October 31, 2020.


  • Open to individual residents in the city of Phoenix who are 18 years of age or older
  • Applicants must identify as an arts professional, an artist whose work is artistic production, teaching, artist residencies, arts and cultural events, or contract work with nonprofit arts organizations. In this second round, applicants can also be individuals who identify as arts professionals (i.e., arts administrators, cultural venues staff, production or exhibition designers)
  • Applicants must only submit one application but may include multiple gigs/jobs/contracts in their request.
  • Events, residencies, or contracts for which an individual is claiming lost income must have been scheduled to take place between March 1, 2020-October 31, 2020. Due to need and anticipated demand, funds can only be applied to gigs/jobs/contracts that have been outright cancelled, postponed after December 2020, or postponed indefinitely.

Not Eligible to Apply

  • Artists who have been awarded funds from the statewide Emergency Relief Fund for Arizona Artists and Arts Professionals
  • Artists who have been awarded funds from the Phoenix Arts and Culture Coronavirus Relief Program for Individual Artists Round I (June 10 – August 21, 2020)
  • Artists or arts professionals who do not live city of Phoenix.


The Phoenix Arts and Culture Coronavirus Relief Program for Individual Artists guidelines will be posted on Monday, August 31, 2020 and the application will be open from August 31, 2020 through September 18, 2020. The application can be accessed through MARGO, the Office of Arts and Culture’s online grants portal.

The purpose of the application is to verify that the job loss, cancelled/indefinitely postponed event, residency, or terminated contract(s) meets the fund guidelines and to collect information needed to process the request. In this way, this grant is unlike some other programs where individuals are asked to “make the best case” for funding. Please do not feel you have to persuade. The simpler, the better.

  • Applicant contact information
  • Artistic discipline or area of arts-based work; information about other source(s) of income
  • Brief professional artist bio/artist statement
  • One of the following to upload: a link to professional information or a resume/CV
  • Amount requested, up to $1,500
  • Brief description of each job loss, canceled gig/job/contract, including what it was, when it was scheduled to take place, when it was cancelled, and how much income you lost because of the canceled event, residency, or terminated contract
  • This program is funded by federal dollars through the Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF). The City of Phoenix will be audited for documentation relating to grants and contracts funded by these CRF. The Office of Arts and Culture may be part of the audit and needs documentation that can include copies of emails, contracts, invoices, notification of cancellation, etc. (If you do not have a formal contract, you will need to provide the name and contact information of who hired or contracted you for each canceled gig/job/contract.) Contact the Office of Arts and Culture if you have questions regarding appropriate documentation. Documentation must show:
    • The agreed amount that you were going to be paid (or expected to earn based on past sales at a similar event or income)
    • Date the event was going to take place.
    • Date the event was canceled (this can be a social media post).
  • Demographic information. This information will be used for internal purposes; individuals’ information will not be disaggregated or made public in any way.

Also, potential applicants before the deadline date should also take the time to register for a MARGO account and become a City of Phoenix vendor to expedite payment if a grant is awarded.

 Review Process

Applications will be reviewed for eligibility and completeness by the Phoenix Arts and Culture Commission, then considered through the agency’s dual lens of racial and geographic equity in accordance with Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture’s equity strategy and commitment for the program. Following that review and consideration, and depending on the amount of submissions received, applications may be entered into a process of randomized selection.

Grant timeline

Application open August 31, 2020 through September 18, 2020

Application reviews September 21 through October 2, 2020

Award agreements October 7 through October 14, 2020

Payments processed October 14 through October 28, 2020 



​What is the deadline?

The deadline was Friday, September 18, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. 

Who is eligible?

Please review the full guidelines for eligibility.

Is there a grant workshop I can attend?

Yes, an online workshop was held on Wednesday, September 9 at 11:00 a.m.

Yo hablo español.

Ver las instrucciones en español.

Who do I contact?

Anel E. Arriola, grants and community engagement manager, 602-534-5084,