​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Arts and Culture Grants Program​​

The Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture believes investing in the arts builds community and enhances residents' quality of life. The agency provides various funding opportunities that enable artists, arts and culture organizations, schools, and neighborhood groups to carry out high-quality public arts programming for all residents.

Phoenix Flash Grants is a new pilot short-cycle program that provides funds of up to $3,500 for specific projects within underinvested areas of Phoenix. 

The program supports artist fees/expenses, production fees, and marketing expenses for arts and culture projects that engage Phoenix residents, including but not limited to art workshops and pop-up performances.​ 

For this cycle, projects within Phoenix Council Districts 1, 5​, and 7 will only be considered for funding and should only include arts and cultural activities between January 15, 2024, and April 30, 2024.

Learn More or Apply for a Phoenix Flash Grant​

Green Minimalist Leaf Photo Collage.svg
The Artists to Work program supports the creation and presentation of original, new and/or in-process artistic work by practicing Phoenix artists. ​
Learn More

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Upcoming Grant Review Panels

Here is the information for the upcoming Review Panels. You will find the Agenda and Meeting link for each panel below. The password to join the virtual meetings is Grants. ​

Project Support Program Review Panels

General Support Program Review Panels

 ‭(Hidden)‬ UO

Artists to Work Grant Program

​The Artists to Work grant program supports the creation and presentation of original, new or in-process artistic work by practicing Phoenix artists. Awarded artists will be required to complete a public presentation inside city of Phoenix boundaries that primarily benefits Phoenix residents.

Application: Open beginning August 29, 2022
Amount Awarded: $7,500
Number of Awards: 18
Eligible Disciplines: All Disciplines 
Residency Eligibility: Phoenix, Arizona only
Deadlines: Step 1: September 12, 2022; Step 2: October 5, 2022​​

Key Dates (Step 1)

  • August 29: Portal to submit Letter of Interest opens
  • August 30 and September 6: Virtual orientations
  • August 29 - September 9: Virtual one-on-one application consultations with staff​
  • September 12 at 5:00 p.m.: Deadline to submit Letter of Interest 
  • September 13 - 16: Eligibility review and panelist recommendations​
  • September 16: Step 1 selected applicants invited to submit full application
Visit the Artists to Work page​ to see full guidelines and timeline, including key dates for Step 2 and review and approval process.

Apply Here - Letter of Interest

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Closed

Arts and Culture Coronavirus Relief Program for Artists and Arts Professionals

The Office of Arts and Culture announces the second round for the Phoenix Arts and Culture Coronavirus Relief Program for Artists and Arts Professionals. This grant program will help support arts professionals, working artists, teaching artists, and other artist-based contract workers who have experienced job loss, indefinitely postponed, canceled events and residencies, or terminated contracts because of the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic crisis. The deadline to apply was Friday, September 18, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.

La Oficina de Artes y Cultura anunció una segunda ronda del Programa de Ayuda por Coronavirus de Artes y Cultura de Phoenix para Artistas y Profesionales de las Artes. Este programa de subvenciones servirá para apoyar a profesionales de las artes, artistas que trabajan, artistas docentes y otros trabajadores cuyos contratos están basados en las artes a los que perdieron trabajo, les pospusieron indefinidamente o cancelaron, eventos, residencias o les rescindieron contratos debido a la crisis pandémica mundial por el coronavirus (COVID-19). La fecha límite para presentar la solicitud es 18 de septiembre, 2020 a las 11:59 p.m.

Phoenix Arts Job Preservation Program

The City of Phoenix was awarded $250,000 in re-​​​granting CARES Act funds from the National Endowment for the Arts. The Office of Arts and Culture will make 10 to 15 awards of between $10,000 and $25,000 to Phoenix-based arts and culture​ nonprofit organizations, with budgets under $1 million to fill, rehire, or maintain a part-time or full-time position from being cut due to the Coronavirus crisis. ​The deadline to apply was Friday, September 18, 2020 at 11:59 p.m.

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Event Endorsement Program

​The Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture provides program endorsement to expand support of arts and cultural services beyond l​imited funding capacity of the Community Arts Grants Program. The endorsement enables responsiveness to opportunities that present outside of the Grants Program timetable. It also Supports grassroots, emerging and diverse arts opportunities that do not meet Grants Program eligibility requirements and category limitations.

Learn More or Apply

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Community Arts Grants Program

​The annual Community Arts Grants Program invests in nonprofit arts and culture organizations to strengthen the community's access to cultural programming. 

Community Investments and Engagement Grants (CIEG)​​​ ​​

Strengthen the community with core operating support to arts and cultural organizations of all sizes that have a primary mission to create, produce, or provide arts and cultural programming to enhance the quality of lives for Phoenix residents.*

Project Support Grants

Encourage the community to participate in a variety of arts and cultural programming in Phoenix by supporting projects, including culturally based and ethnic-specific festivals, arts learning and youth engagement activities, and supporting and celebrating individual artists.​​

Applications open: February 14, 2020

Deadline to apply: April 1, 2020​, at 11:59 p.m. 

*The Rental Support Program is now housed under the CIEG program. If you are eligible to receive Phoenix Stages support, you'll apply to the CIEG application of your organization's budget size. Contact sarah.leon@phoenix.gov if you have any questions. ​


Instructions to register as a City of Phoenix Vendor. Here's a video ​on the registration process. 

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Grantees in Action



Festival Project Grantee978https://www.phoenix.gov/artssite/MediaAssets/500x350_Grand Ave Festival.pngFestival Project Granteehttps://www.phoenix.gov/artssite/MediaAssets/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=9780x0101009148F5A04DDD49CBA7127AADA5FB792B00AADE34325A8B49CDA8BB4DB53328F21400BC0531F15EF7BD4DA33B67ED47CA6AB0Image
Heard Museum - CIEG Grantee972https://www.phoenix.gov/artssite/MediaAssets/500x350_Heard Museum.pngHeard Museum - CIEG Granteehttps://www.phoenix.gov/artssite/MediaAssets/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=9720x0101009148F5A04DDD49CBA7127AADA5FB792B00AADE34325A8B49CDA8BB4DB53328F21400BC0531F15EF7BD4DA33B67ED47CA6AB0Image
Kids in Focus976https://www.phoenix.gov/artssite/MediaAssets/500x350_Kids In Focus.pngKids in Focushttps://www.phoenix.gov/artssite/MediaAssets/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=9760x0101009148F5A04DDD49CBA7127AADA5FB792B00AADE34325A8B49CDA8BB4DB53328F21400BC0531F15EF7BD4DA33B67ED47CA6AB0Image
Neighborhood Arts977https://www.phoenix.gov/artssite/MediaAssets/500x350_Neighborhood Arts.pngNeighborhood Artshttps://www.phoenix.gov/artssite/MediaAssets/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=9770x0101009148F5A04DDD49CBA7127AADA5FB792B00AADE34325A8B49CDA8BB4DB53328F21400BC0531F15EF7BD4DA33B67ED47CA6AB0Image
Orpheum Theatre Phoenix975https://www.phoenix.gov/artssite/MediaAssets/500x350_Rental Support.pngOrpheum Theatre Phoenixhttps://www.phoenix.gov/artssite/MediaAssets/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=9750x0101009148F5A04DDD49CBA7127AADA5FB792B00AADE34325A8B49CDA8BB4DB53328F21400BC0531F15EF7BD4DA33B67ED47CA6AB0Image
Black Theatre Troupe - CIEG Grantee973https://www.phoenix.gov/artssite/MediaAssets/500x350_Black Theatre Troupe.pngBlack Theatre Troupe - CIEG Granteehttps://www.phoenix.gov/artssite/MediaAssets/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=9730x0101009148F5A04DDD49CBA7127AADA5FB792B00AADE34325A8B49CDA8BB4DB53328F21400BC0531F15EF7BD4DA33B67ED47CA6AB0Image
Día De Los Muertos PHX Festival974https://www.phoenix.gov/artssite/MediaAssets/500x350_Cultural Coalition.pngDía De Los Muertos PHX Festivalhttps://www.phoenix.gov/artssite/MediaAssets/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=9740x0101009148F5A04DDD49CBA7127AADA5FB792B00AADE34325A8B49CDA8BB4DB53328F21400BC0531F15EF7BD4DA33B67ED47CA6AB0Image

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Organizational Support

The Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture will provide one-time emergency relief grants up to arts and cultural nonprofits. Organizations that completed a FY21 community arts grant application and are recommended for support would be immediately eligible to apply for emergency relief funding and receive a simple, supplemental application to complete. Nonprofit arts and cultural organizations that did not apply for a FY21 community arts grant can be considered for emergency relief funding on a case-by-case basis. The application period closed on Friday, June 5, 2020.

​View the Guidelines

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Current Grants

​Community Arts Grants Program​

General​ Support Program
Project Support Program

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Closed Grant Opportunities

Project Grants

​Cultural Festivals​
Who can apply:
  • Arts or cultural organizations with or without non-profit status, based in the City of Phoenix
  • Those not applying for an A+CCESS I or II​​ grant​
Youth Arts Engagement 
Who can apply:
  • Youth-Led (under 19 yrs old) arts and culture groups, councils, or clubs
  • Based in the City of Phoenix
Artist Exposure
 ​Who can apply:
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Based in the City of Phoenix
Neighbo​rhood Arts
​​Who can apply:
  • A least one Neighborhood Organization Partner and one Arts Partner

Community Investment and Engagement Grants (CIEG)


​​Who can apply:
  • Non-profit arts or cultural organizations 
  • Operating budget of at least $2,500,000
Who can apply:
  • Non-profit arts or cultural organizations 
  • Operating budget between $250,000 and $2,499,999
Who can apply:
  • Non-profit arts or cultural organizations 
  • Operating budget between $25,000 and $249,999​​