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Congratulations on your recent grant award​. Resources posted here offer current grant recipients information related to receiving and managing your award, as well as resources for acknowledging and marketing your grant.

Receiving Your Grant Award Payment

To receive grant payment grantees must complete 1. Vendor Registration 2​. Grants Conditions form 3. Pending Final Reports 

City of Phoenix Vendor Registration (If you​ have a fiscal agent, your fiscal agent must register as a City of Phoenix Vendor) 

To register as a vendor, visit procurePHX​. Watch the first half of the You've Been Funded! What's Next? Webinar Recording (Password: GrantsFY24) for important information on registering. 

  • On the registration form, there is a question on Goods or Service Categories Provided, please enter/select: 958000000 for Management Services
  •  As soon as you receive the Vendor number (It will start with V355xxxx), email it to (anel.arriola@phoenix.gov)
  • If you have questions or problems registering, please contact Vendor Support at (602) 262-1819 or Vendor.Support@phoenix.gov

If you are registered as a City of Phoenix vendor already, check that your address is correct both in MARGO and in procurePHX. If you recently changed your address, follow these instructions to update your address in procurePHX or contact vendor support AND send email us with your updated address.​

Grant Conditions
  • The grant conditions form will be available through MARGO about a week after you've received an award approval email. 
  • The primary contact in MARGO will receive a notification via email from noreply@smartsimple.com.
Pending Final Reports

Complete any pending final reports from previous City of Phoenix grants. Grant funds will not be released until all final reports from previous POAC grants have been received.

Payment Requests

Payment Requests are automatically created via MARGO after all the items listed above have been completed and are up-to-date. Once a payment request is processed, a check will be mailed. Payments may take up to 45 days to be processed. If you would like to know if a payment has been processed, check your MARGO account and visit the "Payments" tab.

Phoenix Arts and Culture Acknowledgment

Logo and Credit Line

All print, publicity and promotional materials must include Phoenix Arts and Culture's logo and credit line. You should also list Phoenix Arts and Culture in the appropriate financial category in any printed or installed donor recognition lists. Placement of the logo and credit line in as many places as possible will help to inform the community about the impact of public funding for the arts.

Please follow this link to download the Phoenix Arts and Culture Logos.

Print, publicity and promotional materials Includes newsletters, press releases, announcements, catalogs, educational materials and invitations, films/video tapes, electronic transmissions (including Internet sites), and non-written announcements (such as audio descriptions for people who are sight-impaired) regarding all activities to which the POAC's funds contribute.

Credit Line

This [name of your organization] is supported, in part b​​y the Phoenix City Council through Phoenix Arts and Culture.

Verbal Credit

When written credit is not applicable, such as when there is no printed program, give verbal credit prior to each performance or activity. If an announcement is not feasible, please consider a sign in the lobby or activity space.


The Grantee shall provide to Phoenix Arts and Culture, or its duly authorized representative, access to any and all events supported by this grant, without admission or any other charge, for the purpose of monitoring compliance with the conditions set forth in this agreement.

Financial Management

Grantee financial management systems shall provide for: a) accurate, current and complete disclosure of the financial results of each grant project in accordance with POAC reporting requirements; b) records which identify adequately the source and application of funds for grant-supported activities. These records shall contain information pertaining to grant awards and authorizations, obligations, unobligated balances, assets, liabilities, outlays, and income; c) effective control over and accountability for all funds, property, and other assets. Grantees shall adequately safeguard all such assets and shall assure that they are used solely for authorized purposes; d) audits to be made by the Grantee or at its direction to determine, as a minimum, the fiscal integrity of financial transactions and reports, and the compliance with laws, regulations, and administrative requirements. 

For the complete Terms and Conditions of your grant award, please refer to the Grant Conditions form.

Final Reports

As of 2021, Final Report forms will be available through the MARGO portal. You will receive an email once the final report form is ready for your completion. You will receive a 30-day and a same-day reminder if you have not completed it. 

Grant funds will not be released until all final reports from previous POAC grants have been received. The city of Phoenix, or any duly authorized representatives, shall have access to any books, documents, papers, and records maintained to account for funds expended under the terms and conditions of this grant for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcripts. All financial records must be maintained for three years following completion of the grant period. ​​​​​

 Public Funding for Arts and Culture

If public funding for the arts is something that is important to you and your organization, and if you want to say thank you for your grant funding, the following resources can help you contact the Mayor and City Council.

You may use this sample Thank You Email/Message or this sample Thank You Letter​

Find Your Council District
Mayor and Council Contact Information


​You've been funded! What's Next Webinar

Webinar password: GrantsFY24​

​MARGO Grants Portal

Contact us at
sarah.leon@phoenix.gov or

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