BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARINGBOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARINGPlanning and Development<div class="ExternalClass54EB9BBA0F154266BF57E55FDA48E931"><p>​The hearing is open to the public on Thursday,December 7, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. The agenda for this meeting can be accessed online at:</p><p><br></p><p><br></p></div>12/7/2023 7:00:00 PM12/8/2023 12:00:00 AMAngie Holdsworth - angie.holdsworth@phoenix.govJulie Garcia - julie.garcia@phoenix.gov602-495-7029This meeting will be held virtually and in-person in the City Council Chambers, 200 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona ​The hearing is open to the public on Thursday,December 7, 2023 at 1200 p.m. The agenda for this meeting can be accessed online at https//