​​​​​​​Washington Activity Center

​2240 W.​​ Citrus Way​
(23rd Ave. and Glendale Ave.)
Phone: 602-262-6971
Gym Phone: 602-534-7976

Community Center Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Closed Sundays and Holidays


Community Center Programs:

​​Clas​sesSummer Camp​​Fitness MembershipPhoenix Tennis CenterWashin​gton PoolWashin​gton Park


Nearby Resources:​

Rose Mofford Sports ComplexHelen Drake Senior CenterYucca Library


Interested in teaching classes at your local community center?

We are looking for class instructors that possess special talents, are passionate about working with people, and want to bring engaging programming to our community centers.

Learn More About Becoming a Program Instructor​

Upcoming Events:





Get Connected

The Washington Activity Center, built in 1969, is a multi-generational facility with a full size gymnasium, seven activity rooms and an auditorium. The center offers a wide variety of activities and services to the public at a minimal cost, including programs for toddlers, youth, teenagers, adults and seniors. The center sits adjacent to Washington Park, which boasts open green space and traditional park amenities (basketball and volleyball court, softball and soccer fields).
