Codes, Ordinances, Standards, & Interpretations

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2018 City of Phoenix Building Construction Codes2018 City of Phoenix Building Construction Codes


For more information or to speak to someone, please contact Planning & Development at 602-262-7811.

​​​​​​​​​​​​For information regarding codes and ordinances commonly referenced in developing property or used in construction projects within the city of Phoenix please refer to the below links. *This is not an exhaustive list, and other codes/ordinances may apply depending upon the type of project proposed. 

For questions regarding zoning (required property setbacks, allowed uses) please click here or call (602) 262-7131 during regular business hours.


For questions regarding residential codes please click here or call (602) 262-7884 during regular business hours.


For all other construction related inquiries please call (602) 262-7811​​