Happy Valley Road (67th to 35th Avenues)

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Project Overview

The City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department is evaluating opportunities to improve Happy Valley Road from 67th Avenue to 35th Avenue. This section of Happy Valley Road is a major arterial roadway that connects commuters to Interstate 17 and supports local, regional, residential and commercial activities. At present, this stretch of roadway continuously shifts between two and three travel lanes. Curb, gutter, sidewalk, and raised medians are intermittent. Bike lane widths are varied and, in some places, non-existent.

The Initial Preliminary Engineering Report proposes the following improvements: 

  • Roadway widening to accommodate a third travel lane between 62nd and 56th Avenues, and between 51st and 47th Avenues

  • Raised center medians

  • Buffered bike lanes

  • New curb, gutter, and sidewalk where missing

  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ​sidewalk ramps

  • Pavement preservation treatment and markings

  • Upgraded bus bays

  • Intersection improvements

  • Street lighting and traffic signal upgrades

  • ​Drainage improvements

 Virtual Project Introduction

​Slides from December 8 Presentation

Design Concept Reports and Studies

The City anticipates funding for construction will be largely programmed through the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Arterial Life Cycle Program. Happy Valley Road is the last regional arterial project left to be funded under the original MAG Regional Transportation Plan funded with Proposition 400 funds. 

​For additional information, please email HappyValleyRoadSTR@phoenix.gov

Project Email
Send a message referencing Happy Valley Road to agranillo@barnhartco.com​ if you'd like to receive project updates via email. 

Project Hotline

(623) 825-3444

​Project Contact
Tariq Momika  
(602) 534-7062

Street Transportation Title VI and ADA Program
Title VI Notice to the Public and ADA Policy Statement

The City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department hereby gives notice that it is the agency's policy to assure full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title II of The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related statutes and regulations in all program​​​​​​​s and activities. These federal statutes require that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program, activity or service the City of Phoenix Street Transportation Department administers. More information regarding the Title VI program can be found at Street Transportation Title VI and ADA Program or email  STR Title VI Program.​