City Manager Executive Team

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​​Welcome to the City of Phoenix's Executive Team homepage. The City Manager's Executive Team consists of the City Manager, an Assistant City Manager and six Deputy City Managers. These individuals are responsible for providing leadership and direction to the various city departments/functions and serving as liaison between staff and the City Council.

To learn more about each of the Executive Team members, please use the link on their name to see a short biography and their areas of responsibility in the City.

Jeff Barton ​Jeff Barton
City Manager
Lori Bays ​Lori Bays
​Assistant City Manager
John Chan ​John Chan
​Deputy City Manager
Inger Erickson ​Inger Erickson
​Deputy City Manager
Gina Montes ​Gina Montes
​Deputy City Manager
​​​Mario Paniagua Mario Paniagua​
Deputy City Manager​
Ginger Spencer ​Ginger Spencer
​Deputy City Manager​​​
Alan Stephenson ​Alan Stephenson
​Deputy City Manager​​​​​​

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​​​Jeff BartonJeff Barton
Deputy City Manager​Jeff Barton ​Jeff Barton
​Deputy City Manager
​Karen Peters​
Deputy City Manager