

      Contact Inform​​ation

​​For more information, contact the Equal Opportunity Department at 602-262-6790  or email at bus​iness.relations​​.eod@phoenix.gov. 

during business hours​ Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. -  5:00 p.m., Arizona time.​​​​


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SBE Certification Eligibility

  • Business is principally located in Maricopa County.

  • Firm has been operational for at least six months or has completed four business contracts

  • Owner(s) has a personal net worth less than $2,047,000.00​
    million (not including owner's primary residence and business equity, and retirement).

  • Owner(s) controls the day-to-day critical operations of the firm.

  • Owner(s) is a citizen or permanent legal resident of the United States.

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Phoenix Small Business Toolbox


DBE Certification: Arizona Unified Certification Program (AZUCP)

The Arizona Unified Certification Program (UCP) has been established to allow multiple agencies to utilize the same certification process statewide for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs). The UCP simplifies the DBE application process between multiple agencies, and provides reciprocity for DBEs between the City of Tucson, City of Phoenix, and the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT).

These three entities are members of the Arizona Unified Certification Program. A DBE database has been developed that encompasses all DBE firms that have been certified by these entities. 

To participate in the Arizona Unified Certification Program, a business must be certified or must obtain certification as a disadvantaged business through the City of Tucson, City of Phoenix, or ADOT.​​

City of Phoenix has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program in accordance with the regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), 49 CFR Part 26 (link is external). As a condition of receipt of funding, City of Phoenix has signed an assurance that it will comply with 49 CFR Part 26. 

Explore the links below to locate information about the DBE program.

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DBE Certification: (602) 712-7761

azutracs.com​ (DBE search directory)

http://www.adotdoors.dbesystem.com (apply for DBE Certification)​

 City of Tucson - Government

(DBE Certification for Pima County)

DBE Certification: (520) 837-4000

http://www.tucsonaz.diversitycompliance.com (apply for DBE Certification)

ACDBE Certification

What is ACDBE?

ACDBE is an acronym for Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise. The ACDBE Program is similar to the DBE program in that it is a Department of Transportation (DOT) program designed to level the playing field for small businesses who wish to participate in contracting opportunities at airports.


How to Certify Your Business

*** PLEASE NOTE: before you proceed, please ensure that the applicant firm is registered as a vendor with the City of Phoenix: https://www.phoenix.gov/procure​​.                                                           

THIS PROCESS IS VOLUNTARY. Registering as a vendor DOES NOT certify the applicant firm. ***

Complete the certification online application. Please note that incomplete applications are not accepted. If you need assistance, contact the Equal Opportunity Department at 602-262-​6790.
2.A certification specialist will contact you in the event you need to submit additional information. The certification process usually takes 16 weeks after submitting a completed application.
3.Your certification specialist will contact you to schedule an on-site visit to your principal place of business. In certain technical or highly specialized trade areas, a work site visit also may be necessary to determine the applicant's expertise in the firm's primary field of operation.
4.You will receive a letter and/or a certificate from the Equal Opportunity Department to inform you regarding your certification status. Please review the online Directory of Certified SBE Firms to ensure the accuracy of your firm's information.
5.Learn more at https://www.phoenix.gov/eod/programs/sbecertprograms.
Be proactive! Participate in business opportunities with the city of Phoenix by learning about contracting with the city.


 Certification Process Review

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