


Ozone1 True/oep/ozone1Air QualityOzone02
Food Waste and Composting Education Program1 True/oep/food-waste6ARPA Food Assistance and GrantsFood Waste and Composting Education Program06
Contact OEP1 True/oep/contact3About UsContact OEP01
Dust and Smoke1 True/oep/dust2Air QualityDust and Smoke02
2050 Sustainability Goal1 True/sustainability/air3Air Quality2050 Sustainability Goal02
About1 True/oep/brownfields-about1Brownfields Land Recycling ProgramAbout03
Projects1 True/oep/brownfields-projects2Brownfields Land Recycling ProgramProjects03
Brownfields to Healthfields Initiative1 True/oep/brownfields-and-healthfields3Brownfields Land Recycling ProgramBrownfields to Healthfields Initiative03
Rio Reimagined Project1 True/oep/rio-reimagined-project4Brownfields Land Recycling ProgramRio Reimagined Project03
Potential Redevelopment Opportunities Inventory1 True https://mapapps.phoenix.gov/BrownFieldsInventory/default.htm5Brownfields Land Recycling ProgramPotential Redevelopment Opportunities Inventory13
Climate Overview1 True/oep/climate1Climate ChangeClimate Overview04
About EQSC1 True/oep/EQSC1Environmental Quality and Sustainability CommissionAbout EQSC05
EQSC Meeting Details1 True/oep/EQSC/meeting-details2Environmental Quality and Sustainability CommissionEQSC Meeting Details05
Urban Heat Island/Tree & Shade Subcommittee1 True/oep/EQSC/UHI-tree-shade-subcommittee3Environmental Quality and Sustainability CommissionUrban Heat Island/Tree & Shade Subcommittee05
Food System Info1 True/oep/food-systems1Food SystemsFood System Info07
Food Action Plan1 True/oep/food-systems/phoenix-food-action-plan2Food SystemsFood Action Plan07
Food Resources1 True/oep/food-systems/resources6Food SystemsFood Resources07
Environmental Site Assessment Records1 True/oep/environmental-site-assessment-records1Hazardous Materials, Waste and RemediationEnvironmental Site Assessment Records08
Related Links and Contacts1 True/oep/HAMWAR-links2Hazardous Materials, Waste and RemediationRelated Links and Contacts08
About SPP1 True/oep/SPP-about1Sustainable PurchasingAbout SPP09
Current Policy (PDF)1 True/oepsite/Documents/Sustainable%20Purchasing%20Policy.pdf2Sustainable PurchasingCurrent Policy (PDF)19
Stormwater1 True/oep/Stormwater1Surface WaterStormwater010
Section 4041 True/oep/Section-4042Surface WaterSection 404010
Related Links1 True/oep/wildlife-links2WildlifeRelated Links011
Phoenix: Let’s Eat Local!1 True/oep/PHXEatLocal5Food SystemsPhoenix: Let’s Eat Local!07
Backyard Garden Program1 True/oep/backyard-garden2ARPA Food Assistance and GrantsBackyard Garden Program06
Food Assistance Programs1 True/oep/food-assistance3ARPA Food Assistance and GrantsFood Assistance Programs06
Grants1 True/oep/food-grants4ARPA Food Assistance and GrantsGrants06
Training Programs1 True/oep/food-training5ARPA Food Assistance and GrantsTraining Programs06
GHG Inventories 1 True/oep/GHG3Climate ChangeGHG Inventories 04
Administrative Regulation 1.54 (PDF)1 True/oepsite/Documents/ar154.pdf1About UsAdministrative Regulation 1.54 (PDF)11
Climate Action Plan1 True/oep/cap4Climate ChangeClimate Action Plan04
Contact 1 True/oep/sppcontact3Sustainable PurchasingContact 09
Monarch Conservation​​1 True/oep/monarch3WildlifeMonarch Conservation​​011
Climate Resources1 True/oep/climate-resources2Climate ChangeClimate Resources04
Overview1 True/oep/food-overview1ARPA Food Assistance and GrantsOverview06
Project REDUCE1 True/oep/projectreduce4Food SystemsProject REDUCE07
Stinknet Informational Brochure (PDF)1 Truehttps://www.phoenix.gov/parkssite/Documents/Stinknet%20Brochure.pdf1WildlifeStinknet Informational Brochure (PDF)111
Organizational Chart 1 Truehttps://www.phoenix.gov/oepsite/Documents/OEP%20Org%20Chart%20October%202024.pdf2About UsOrganizational Chart 11
GardenPHX Program1 True/oep/gpp3Food SystemsGardenPHX Program07

Urban Heat Island/Tree and Shade Subcommittee​

mountain landscape with cactus

Following City Council direction, the Environmental Quality and Sustainability Commission (EQSC) created the Urban Heat Island/Tree and Shade Subcommittee in 2018 and again in 2020.  The purpose of the subcommittee was to evaluate, analyze and recommend policies to address the issues surrounding Urban Heat and to advance implementation of the Phoenix Tree and Shade Master Plan.

"As our city continues to grow, so does the urban heat island and the need to provide heat relief," said former Mayor Thelda Williams. "I look forward to the policy recommendations the subcommittee brings forward to mitigate the effects of the heat island and provide much needed shade throughout the city."

The Urban Heat Island/Tree and Shade Subcommittee included representation from a diversity of areas, including arboriculture, urban forestry, community health, commercial development and management, ​urban planning, environmental education, academia and residents.

"Finding long-term solutions to tackle our urban heat island and tree canopy are imperative for the future of Phoenix," said Colin Tetreault, EQSC Commisioner.  "The Commission welcomes the opportunity to be the honest broker of ideas, solutions and policy recommendations that creates a 21st century city that is cooler, healthier, and more competitive."  

trees in pots before planting

The Urban Heat Island/ Tree and Shade Subcommittee provided recommendations to Environmental Quality and Sustainability Commission. Copies of those recom​​mendation memos can be found below:

Tree an​d Shade Recommendations - September 11, 2019​

Memo from Colin Tetreault, EQSC Chair 

Urban Forest Infrastructure Manager Position - January 14, 2021​

Cool Corridors Program Recommendations - April 8, 2021

Cool Roofs - December 7, 2021

Heat Equity Policy - December 7, 2021

UHITS Accomplishments September 2020 through December 2021 and Recommendations for Additional Work in the Area of Heat and Shade - December 7, 2021

​​UHITS Work Plan April 2022-December 2022  - April 12, 2022​ 

​The Urban Heat Island/Tree and Shade Subcommittee sunset in December 2022 and is no longer active. 

Meeting Minutes

The minutes of UHITS meetings conducted in the current and previous year are provided below as PDF files and requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.  (For copies of attachments to prior meeting minutes not listed below, call 602-256-5669)​

UHITS Meeting Minutes - ​December 13​, 20​22​ - (minutes approved via email - 5 votes of approval, 4 no responses)​

UHITS Meeting Minutes - ​November 8, 20​22​ (Cancelled)

UHITS Meeting Minutes - ​October 11, 20​22​​

UHITS Meeting Minutes - ​September 13, 20​22​

UHITS Meeting Minutes - ​August 9, 20​22​

UHITS Meeting Minutes - July 12, 2022 (No quorum)

UHITS Meeting Minutes - June 7, 2022 (Cancelled)

UHITS Meeting Minutes - May 10, 2022 (Cancelled)

UHITS Meeting Minutes - ​April 12, 20​22​

UHITS Meeting Minutes - ​March 15, 20​22​

Office of Heat Response and ​​Mitigation Update ​​​

UHITS Meeting Minutes - ​February 8, 20​22​

​Office of Heat Response and ​​Mitigation Update 

UHITS Meeting Minutes - ​January 11, 20​22​

​Office of Heat Response and ​​Mitigation Update 

UHITS Meeting Minutes - December 7, 20​21​

​Office of Heat Response and Mitigation Update 

UHITS Meeting Minutes - November 9, 20​21​

UHITS Meeting Minutes - October 19, 20​21​

Heat Equity Policy: Inequities in Extreme Heat and Urban Heat Island Risks in Phoenix​​

​Introducing the Office of Heat Response and Mitigation​

UHITS Meeting Minutes - September 14, 20​21​ 

UHITS Meeting Minutes - August 10, 20​21​

Phoenix Art and Culture Upcoming Projects​

UHITS Meeting Minutes - July 6, 2021 

UHITS Meeting Minutes - June 8, 2021 (No quorum)


UHITS Meeting Minutes - Ma​y 11​​, 202​1​​​ ​

​Introduction to Cool Roof​

UHITS Meeting Minutes - April 6, 202​1​ ​

2021-22 City Manager’s Trial Budget​​

Cool Corridors Update​

UHITS Meeting Minutes - March 9, 202​1 ​

UHITS Meeting Minutes - February 9, 202​1 ​

Nature’s Cooling Systems Project​​

Phoenix Cool Corridor Research Update

UHITS Meeting Minutes - January 12, 2021 

Climate Action Plan Framework and Review of UHI Goals​​​​​

UHITS Meeting Minutes - December 8, 2020​

Landscape Maintence TA

TNC Healthy Cities Program​

UHITS Meeting Minutes - November 17, ​2020​

UHITS Meeting Minutes - October 27, ​2020

Landscape Maintence TA

UHITS Meeting Minutes - September 29, 2​020

​Overview of Urban Heat Programs

Urban Heat in Phoenix: Patterns, Causes, Impacts​