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​​​​Zoning Review

The city of Phoenix Zoning Ordinance establishes standards and regulations to govern the use of land and structures as well as the review and approval of all proposed development of property in the city. The ordinance assures a development review process that will be comprehensive, consistent and efficient in the implementation of the General Plan​ and other adopted goals, policies and standards.

In order to conserve and promote public health, safety and general welfare, and to aid in the harmonious, orderly and progressive development of the city, it is the intent of this ordinance that the development process be efficient, effective, equitable and respectful of the rights of property owners and the interests of citizens. It also is the intent of this ordinance to preserve and enhance aesthetic values; encourage the most appropriate use of land; and facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewage treatment systems, schools, parks and other public requirements throughout the city.

For further information on zoning services, select from the links below or contact Planning & Development at 602-262-7131.