Homicide Cold Case

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​If you are a family member seeking information on the Cold Case Registry, click the Registry button. To search cold cases, submit a tip or view the flyer, click the Search Cold Cases button.​

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​​Contact Homicide Cold Case

602-495-5883 Day Time
602-262-6141 Night Time
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About Cold Case Homicide Detectives

Homicide Cold Case investigations are​ conducted by ​one sergeant and five detectives  who work diligently to review every homicide case to: (a) determine the true status of the case, and (b) determine if new fingerprint, ballistics or DNA technology can be applied to the unsolved cases.

As they proceed through this review process, detectives compute a solvability factor for the case. The solvability factors help them determine which cases to focus on once the initial reviews are completed.

Detectives also field calls daily that present new information or leads on cases. When new information comes in, they immediately work the leads as far as the information takes them.  

Cold Case Detectives are committed to the highest level of professionalism and work​ diligently to bring each case to a successful resolution. Every Cold Case Homicide is important to us.   

The detectives assigned to the Homicide Cold Case Unit never forget each victim was loved and left families and friends behind.  We will always work tirelessly to bring each case to resolution.

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Unsolved Cases

​​The detectives assigned to the Homicide Cold Case Unit never forget that each victim was a parent, spouse, sibling, friend and loved one. As we continue to work these cases, we know that we can not solve them without you, our community. We are currently updating this web page to bring attention to the many cases which we continue to investigate. Not all cases are listed, however, we are working to highlight all of them. We appreciate your patience during this time.​

​To view more information on these cold cases or to submit a tip on the case, click on the image. 

​Billy Ray Price

​Edward Forst

Elvina Legarde​

Gabriel Rodriguez​​​​

Jermaine Johnson​

Elisa Gano ​​

​Lynsey Chainhalt 

Alex Talabera

Mark Ortiz ​

​Alfonso McCoy Jr.

Debra Gomez 

​Irwin Miller ​

Mary Martinez ​

Mack Rue ​

​Noe Garcia

Maurice Dupree Green

Michael Anthony Arvallo

​Melissa Mason

Nicole Glass

Joaquin Jaralillo

​Jeffrey Martin

​Laura Camacho

​Efren Gonzales-Herrera

Guadalupe N. Porras 

Irving Shuman 

Jonathan Garcia-Valladares

Gerald Dexter 

Edward Sordilla ​

Joshua Gamboa

Arnold Felix ​

Danny Cooper ​

Danny Mitchell ​

​Christopher Acosta

Carla Sanchez

Blanca Acevedo

Bertha Altamirano

​Anthony Maplethorpe

​Armando Salazar

Anthony Sanchez

Fortino "Tino" Perez

Adrian Moreno
Raul Pizarro
Jimmy Villa

​Steven Henrichsen

​Shannon Aumock

​Scot Deskins

​Deandra Gaseoma

​Jason Derek Brown

​Virginia Farmer

Cruz ​​Felix Jr. 
Norberto Felix Valdez Jr.

​Martha Helton

​​Pedro Machado-Acosta