More Information Regarding Unit Codes

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Job Description


Questions and Answers

Q: What are Unit Codes?
A: Unit Codes (U1, U2, U3 etc.) are used to identify different groups of employees. The different groups, or units, are split up by type of job, and sometimes by work location (department or division). Some units are represented by a Union, some are not.

Q: Why are there different pay levels for the same job?
A: Each unit has its own set of pay levels and fringe benefits, which are negotiated or discussed with City management every one or two years. The base salary listed may be somewhat different between the units because of the negotiation process, and because the fringe benefits may offset some of the differences in base pay. The difference in pay is generally not due to differences in job duties or essential functions of the classification. In many cases, the difference in pay is because a particular job classification is used in several different departments. The different departments are in turn represented by different units, and thus have slightly different compensation packages. For more information regarding the negotiation process, please refer to the Meet and Confer Process described at the end of this document.

Q: Who or what decides to which employee group I belong?
A: If you are seeking a job with the City, it would depend on the position that is vacant at the time, including what department or division is doing the hiring. You can ask at the time of the interview to which unit the position belongs. In terms of overall unit designation, the board that decides which groups of employees belong in which units is the Phoenix Employee Relations Board (PERB).

Q: Some job titles include the Unit Code in the title, and some don't. How else would I be able to identify to which employee group a particular job title belongs?
A: On this web site's Pay Range listings, there is a column called "Pay Grade," which shows a three-digit number (see example and then click your back button to return here). The first digit indicates to which employee group the job title belongs, according to this key:

Pay Grade Employee Group
0XX Supervisory & Professional U7
1XX Field Unit 1 (trades, labor, equipment operators)
2XX Field Unit 2 (trades, labor, equipment operators)
3XX Office and Clerical U3
4XX Police Officers U4
5XX Firefighter through Fire Captain U5
6XX Police Sergeants and Lieutenants U6
7XX Confidential Office & Clerical U8
8XX Middle Management
9XX Executive

For more information regarding labor relations, please contact the Human Resources Department's Labor Relations office at 602-534-2535​​.


Meet and Confer Process

By ordinance, the City of Phoenix is subject to a labor relations process known as Meet and Confer. Meet and Confer is synonymous with collective bargaining and negotiations. The goal of the process is a negotiated settlement between the City and a Union.

The Meet and Confer Ordinance was implemented in the City during Fiscal Year 1975-1976. The City negotiates with five Unions (bargaining units): Unit 1, LIUNA; Unit 2, AFSCME; Unit 3, AFSCME; Unit 4, PLEA; and Unit 5, Fire. The negotiations involve discussions between City management and the Union relating to wages, hours, and working conditions. Once an agreement is reached, the membership of the Union must ratify the agreement. The written agreement is known as a "Memorandum of Understanding," or M.O.U. The M.O.U. is ratified if 50% plus one of those voting approve the M.O.U. The M.O.U. must also be approved by the City Council.

For more information on this process or any other questions regarding labor relations, please contact the Human Resources Department's Labor Relations office at 602-534-2535​.

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