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What's Happening​


The Environmental Services Division is excited to announce the release of the Water Warriors calendar. The division is responsible for numerous initiatives on water operations and environmental protection.

To raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation throughout the year, the division organized a kids' art contest last fall. This contest empowered children to showcase their creativity, and the winning artwork is featured in the calendar.

You can get a printed calendar at upcoming community events, or you can download and print it from here​.


The Environmental & Safety Division Stormwater Section is collaborating with the Parks Department on a community initiative to promote the proper disposal of pet waste. The "Stop Poo-lution: Bag It, Tie It, Trash It" campaign is focused on reducing pet waste at the Pima Canyon and Desert Foothills Trailheads. 

Phoenix rarely gets rain but when it does, stormwater picks up pollutants such as pet waste, which then flows untreated into the environment. Pet waste introduces E.coli and other harmful viruses and bacteria into our waterways after storm and rain events. Compared to the treatment of stormwater and clean-up in our parks and trails, it is easier and more cost-effective to prevent pollutants like pet waste from contaminating stormwater by simply picking up pet waste and disposing of it properly.  

The campaign kicked off on October 17, 2024, with Parks and Stormwater staff collecting pet waste at both trails for three weeks. They tracked and weighed the pet waste during each collection event. The community outreach events will be held at both trails once per month, from October to February. A second collection event will be held to calculate the amount of pet waste on the trails to determine if the outreach efforts were effective. 

Stop the Poo-lution.png

About Us​​​

The Environmental Services Division (ESD) is dedicated to protecting public health and the environment by maintaining compliance with environmental regulations for drinking water, stormwater, and wastewater quality.

Through the effective management of the Water Monitoring, Industrial Pretreatment, Commercial Inspection, Stormwater Management, and Wastewater Monitoring programs, we provide a safe and reliable domestic water supply to all residents and maintain a clean, healthy environment.

ESD also ensures compliance with environmental regulations and permits with a water, wastewater and stormwater compliance section.

ESD operates a NELAC Certified Environmental Laboratory.


​Environmental Services Division Newsletters - Fall/Winter 2024​​​​Environmental Services Division Newsletter - Spring/Summer 2024​​​​​​​​

​Environmental Services Division Newsletter - Fall/Winter 2023

​Environmental Services Division Newsletter - Spring/Summer 2023

​Environmental Services Division Newsletter - Fall/Winter 2022

​Environmental Services Division Newsletter - Spring/Summer 2022

​Environmental Services Division Newsletter - Fall/Winter 2021

​Subscribe to the Environmental Services Newsletter​​​​​​​

Sampling Water Quality​

Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS)
and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GCMS) identify
and measure compounds to sa
mple water quality.​​​