​​Deem Hills Recreation Area







Deem Hills is comprised of almost 1,000 acres of Sonoran Desert and is known for it's unique basalt volcanic rock formations.  The 5.7 mile Deem Hills Circumference trail traverses the entire recreation area and commands excellent views of the Phoenix area.  The Ridgeline trail runs 1.5 miles and is the highest trail in elevation in the system.  Several shorter trails provide a wide range of both distance and difficulty from this location.


Current Trail ProjectsTrail Map & Descriptions


Deem Hills Park
West Trailhead
26606 N. Deem Hills Pkwy.


5:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.

East Trailhead
27428 N. 39th Ave.   

Parking/Entrance Hours:

5 a.m. to 7 p.m.


Trail Hours:

5 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Register for Hikes and Outdoor Nature Programs

Contact Information:

Ranger Office:
Natural Resources Office
(Business Hours Only):

Contact Natural Resource staff regarding resource management at desert preserves
or call 602-261-8318

Take a hike, do it right logo 

Review "Take a Hike. Do it Right." guidelines before visiting the trail.  The symbol to the right of each trail name represents the difficulty rating.

Trail rating guide 

*Add an additional level of difficulty when the temperature is in the triple digits.