North Mountain & Shaw Butte​​








The North Mountain Park restroom at the old Ranger Station is permanently closed due to significant plumbing concerns. Three other park restrooms are fully operational and available for public use near the following locations: Pima Ramadas, Maricopa Ramada and Yavapai Ramada

The North Mountain Park playground structure is closed for safety issues. Due to the age of the structure, replacement parts are unavailable. The swing set remains open for use.

A new playground will be a part of upcoming park renovation plans.

​Questions?  Call 602-495-5506.


At 2,104 feet, North Mountain, and 2,149 feet, Shaw Butte, are easily recognizable landmarks in the north valley skyline.  The mountains offer a wide array of trail options for hikers of all abilities and bolsters two of the best summit climbs in Phoenix.  The North Mountain Visitor Center provides hikers and nature lovers with detailed information on the trail system, Sonoran wildlife, and regional history.  One of the many volunteers who run the visitor center will share stories of how at the turn of the century the area served as a campground for Phoenix Indian School’s pupils and their families.  You may also hear stories of numerous, and potentially undiscovered, mining shafts and pits that harken back to the long history of copper mining in our state. 


Current Trail ProjectsTrail Map & Descriptions



Maricopa Trailhead
10600 N. 7th St.

Mountain View II Park
9901 N. 7th Ave.

North Mountain Park*
10608 N. 7th St.

North Mountain Visitor Center
12950 N. 7th St.

Shaw Butte Trailhead
12898 N. Central Ave.


Parking/Entrance Hours
5 a.m. to 7 p.m.*

* - Extended summer hours are in effect annually from June 1 through September 30 at North Mountain Park. The trailhead parking lot entrance is open until 9 p.m.

For Shaw Butte Trailhead only: May 1 through September 30, 5 a.m. to 7 p.m.; October 1 through April 30, 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.


Trail Hours:
5 a.m. to 11 p.m.​

Register for Hikes and Outdoor Nature Programs

​Contact Information:

Ranger Office:

Natural Resources Office
(Business Hours Only):

Contact Natural Resource staff regarding resource management at desert preserves
or call 602-261-8318

Take a hike, do it right logo 

Review "Take a Hike. Do it Right." guidelines before visiting the trail.  The symbol to the right of each trail name represents the difficulty rating.

Trail rating guide 

*Add an additional level of difficulty when the temperature is in the triple digits. 


Ramada Usage at North Mountain Park:

​The ramadas at North Mountain are available for public use, however unlike most City of Phoenix ramadas, they do require a reservation.  Please see the helpful links below to learn more about reserving a ramada at North Mountain.  Ramada reservations must be made in person at one of our local Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department facilities.

North Mountain Ramada Map
