Sonoran Preserve​







​The Sonoran Preserve, in North Phoenix, comprises more than 9,600 acres. Three trailhead locations - Desert Vista, Desert Hills and Apache Wash - offer 36 miles of trails.

Please "Take a Hike. Do it Right." when enjoying the preserve.

Trail Map & Descriptions


Apache Wash Trailhead
1600 E. Sonoran Desert Dr.

Desert Hills Trailhead
705 W. Carefree Hwy.

Desert Vista Trailhead
1900 W. Desert Vista Tr.


Parking/Entrance Hours:
5 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Trail Hours:
5 a.m. to 11 p.m.

Register for Hikes and Outdoor Nature Programs

Contact Information:

Ranger Office:

Natural Resources Office
(Business Hours Only):

Contact Natural Resource staff regarding resource management at desert preserves
or call 602-261-8318

Take a hike, do it right logo 

Review "Take a Hike. Do it Right." guidelines before visiting the trail.  The symbol to the right of each trail name represents the difficulty rating.

Trail rating guide 

*Add an additional level of difficulty when the temperature is in the triple digits. 


Additional Area Information:

Sonoran Preserve Master Plan