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Development Center Wait TimesDevelopment Center Wait Times wait times at counter.FireRed
Electronic Plan ReviewElectronic Plan Review/pdd/onlineservices/electronic-plan-reviewSubmit development plans electronically using the Internet!RoyalBlue
Residential InformationResidential Information/pdd/development/permits/residentialResidential applications, guides, & checklistsTresRios
Commercial InformationCommercial Information/pdd/development/permits/commercialCommercial building applications, guides, & checklistsOrangeTree
Adaptive Reuse ProgramAdaptive Reuse Program/pdd/services/permitservices/arpIncentive Program- Build Green! Reuse an existing buildingdarkgreen
County PermitsCounty Permits available at City CountersLakeBlue
Office of Customer AdvocacyOffice of Customer Advocacy/pdd/development/office-of-customer-advocacyAssistance for Business Customers SunFlower
Self-Certification ProgramSelf-Certification Program/pdd/self-certification-programPermits without a plan review? Find out how!Purple

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Development Division oversees plan review and inspections for all components and phases of development and construction. The division is comprised of three sections; the Office of Customer Advocacy, Plan Review and Permits, and Inspections.

Office of Customer Advocacy (OCA)

The Office of Customer Advocacy (OCA) was created to provide development assistance and case management for business customers new to the land development and building permit processes. Customers considering the adaptive reuse of an existing building for commercial purposes are encouraged to contact this office before beginning the building permit process.  OCA specializes in the following types of development projects:

  • Remodeling existing commercial buildings
  • Renovating historic buildings
  • Converting residential structures to business use
  • Revitalizing neighborhood retail centers

Plan Review


Plan Review assures development meets existing codes and ordinances. Before building permits can be issued, land issues such as site, civil, landscape, hillside and others may exist and reviews may be required. Building plans are reviewed to assure compliance with the Phoenix Building Construction Code and other ordinances and standards.  This section contains major and minor commercial teams as well as a residential team. Site planning, civil engineering, traffic engineering, fire prevention, electrical, architectural, structural and plumbing/mechanical reviews are all elements of a successful plan review.



Inspections are performed to assure the construction occurs according to approved building plans. As each element of permitted construction is completed the customer schedules an inspection.  If an inspection fails the customer must correct any issues and call for a re-inspection before moving to the next stage of construction.  The final inspection is conducted when all work on the project is completed. A Certificate of Occupancy is issued only after all work is inspected and approved.

​For more details, select from the following links:
