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Contact Change for Phoenix Staff

Change for Phoenix was created as a result of input from residents during the 2009 community budget hearings. The fund allows residents to donate to the city’s general fund or other city programs. This fund provides financial assistance during the downturn of the economy. The general fund pays for numerous city services including police, fire, parks, libraries, senior citizen and youth programs. 

There are many city programs to donate to. Programs that provide educational opportunities. Others that offer activities to various age groups. There are programs that give support and safety to Phoenix residents. Still others protect the city’s historic and natural beauty.

;Donations will increase city revenues to support these and other important city programs. Residents may contribute any amount they wish and may donate to more than one area or department of the city.

For more information, see our frequently asked questions. View a list of city departments and programs to select where you would like to direct your donation.

If you wish to volunteer with any city department or specific program or activity, your services are welcome.

So that we can best respond to your message, please fill in as much of the following information as possible:

*denotes required field

Before you submit this form, please be aware of the city's policy on use of its systems. The message you are about to send is subject to public disclosure under the Public Records Law. It is not private or confidential and is retained for 90 days.

In Person:

Finance Department
Calvin C. Goode Building
251 W. Washington St., 9th Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85003

City business hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for major holidays.