Keeping your community looking great is dirty, yet rewarding work! The Tool Lending Program is offered to residents and community groups for cleanup events at no charge. Any
neighborhood group or Block Watch listed with the Neighborhood Services Department may receive paint, and borrow supplies and clean-up tools to improve their neighborhood. To borrow equipment, get paint or reserve a paint-sprayer,
sign up for the next training class or
reserve tools for your next neighborhood clean-up.
Download the Tool Lending Flyer
Tool trailers and tools available for loan include:
- paint rollers
- wire brushes with scrapers
- hoes
- weed eaters
- shovels
- gloves
| - paint sprayer
- buckets
- ladders (three-step)
- pole trimmers
- brooms
- water coolers
| - brushes
- hedge shears
- loppers
- rakes
- wheelbarrows
- garbage bags
| |
Contact Information:
Tool Lending Program
Neighborhood Services Department
200 W. Washington St., fourth floor
Phoenix, AZ 85003-1611
Phone: 602-534-4444, option 2