​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Buildings & Land Use 2050 Goals​​​

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​Building and Land Use 2050 Goals

All new buildings will be "net-positive" in terms of energy and materials, meaning they will produce more energy than they consume. This can be accomplished through employing passive design principles, such as highly insulated wall assemblies and on-site renewable energy. This goal will apply to all new construction after 2050. Buildings exist today that already meet this standard, like those that meet the Living Building Challenge 3.0.

At the community scale, the goal will be to establish fifteen vibrant compact complete centers where the majority of services needed by each community are provided locally; residents will be able to live, work, and play all within walking distance.

Walkable Urban (WU) Code

The Walkable Urban (WU) Code​ is Chapter 13 of the City of Phoenix Zoning Ordinance.   The code regulates development in proximity to light rail stations and is envisioned to replace existing zoning for properties within the Interim Transit-Oriented Zoning Overlay Districts (TOD-1 and 2, Sections 662 & 663 of the Zoning Ordinance).