How smart is your home?
Smart homes use water and energy efficiently. When you save electricity, you also save water! The same is true of water. Water is used to generate electricity, while electricity is needed when we pump and treat water. Making your home "smart" can also reduce your household utility bills.
Where does it all go?
Up to 70% of your home's water use is outdoors, but you can also save water indoors. The toilet accounts for about 30% of indoor water use, while clothes washers and showerheads also have high potential for saving water.Find and repair leaky faucets and toilets to save hundreds of gallons each day. Get started with the the Indoor Leaks page to quick start home leak detection. Then, download the Smart Home Water Guide to find and fix leaks that are draining your budget. Order a free print version or a toilet leak detection kit on the order form.
Replace high-water-using faucets, showers, toilets, clothes washers, and dish washers with
water-efficient ones. Many new-generation fixtures and appliances more than pay for themselves over the life of the product. Look for products that carry the EPA WaterSense label, a third-party testing and certification program that only approves products that demonstrate both water efficiency and high performance. The City of Phoenix is a WaterSense partner.
About half of your home's energy is used to cool your home in the summer. Water heating and pool pumps also use a substantial amount of energy.
Increase your thermostat setting above 80 degrees in the summer to save 2-3% on home cooling costs. Using a programmable thermostat can make it easy to set your thermostat much higher (up to 85 degrees) when you are away from the home. Plant a shade tree strategically on your west, south, and east sides of our home.
Replace old, inefficient appliances with products that have been certified by the EPA EnergyStar program. The water heater uses approximately 12% to 20% of energy usage each year, while the refrigerator and freezer also uses a substantial amount of energy.
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