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Saving Water, Faucet by Faucet

Oval-shaped ceramic sink with chrome faucets. 

When thinking about how to save water, Valley residents know to "turn off the faucet when brushing their teeth." To achieve substantial water savings, more action is needed.

Fix it

Never ignore faucet drips. Hearing "drip, drip, drip..." is not only annoying; it's literally dropping money down the drain "one drip at a time." Promptly repair indoor leaks in bathrooms, laundries and kitchens for big indoor savings.

Replace, add a new look

You can substantially reduce water waste by upgrading bathroom sink and other faucets with low-flow alternatives and aerators. In just one year, your household could save more than 4,000 cups of drinking water (enough water to fill about 2,670 soda cans). Faucets are available in exciting new designs, so you'll enhance home décor while saving water and money.

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